My New Camera

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Chief Eating Officer
Jul 14, 2004
I have a great camera (Nikon D70S), but I do not use it as much as I like because it is a large SLR camera so I can't just slip it in my pocket. I have a backpack style camera bag that I have with it that holds the camera, lenses, filters, and other things I need for that camera.

Well lately I have been feeling like I have been missing a lot of photo opportunities because I have not been lugging my SLR around with me. I used to take pictures all the time when I had smaller cameras, but with this thing I need to plan ahead and it is not always easy to bring a big camera.

Last night was the last straw. I did not have my camera with me for Halloween and we had an amazing time with hundreds of missed photo ops. I have been thinking for a while now that I would like to get a new point and shoot camera to carry with me for the times I don't want to bring my SLR so today I finally broke down and got a new camera.

I ended up with the Canon S90. I was lookijg at a number of different cameras and really had my eye on the Leica D-Lux 4, but after talking with a number of people who have that camera they all said it is just a little too big to comfortably slip into your pocket. The Canon S90 is very small and fits easily though.

I have only used it for a few hours so far, but I am really enjoying it. I can see many more pictures in my future.


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Congrats, GB. Nice pics, too.

I just ordered a new Sony DSC W290. My older Sony the W1 was so old Sony no longer offers the driver for download to my MAC. Besides, I wanted a new camera.

Canon makes some great cameras. My last film camera was a Canon Elph. I'm sure you love it.
Thanks Andy. I have always been a Nikon guy, but have always felt Canon was pretty much just as good overall. I see Nikon and Canon like Coke and Pepsi. Quality wise they are the same, but people have a personal preference for one over the other usually. I am looking forward to trying a new (to me) brand.
I am in the same "need a camera" boat.
I am also eligible for a new cell phone.

Contemplating an Omnia, which has a 5 megapixel camera which has
gotten fairly good reviews.
Only problem is the phone is a Smartphone with 4000 bells and whistles I
will never use. But at $29.99 (with 2 year contract), what the heck?

Will still be wanting a new digital. Mine is a 1.3 MP Sony Fd92 Mavica, which I like
a lot, but is big and bulky. It is so old that it takes both memory sticks AND a 3.5
inch floppy disk, LOL!
I am a die hard Nikon fan. Have had a D80 for the last 3 years and love it. Do a little professional work on the side like weddings and such. It's a true workhorse. Have a little pocket size Nikon, but never use it. Just not the same.
Feel free to share more pics!
thanks GB, I am in the market for a new, compact, point and shoot, digital camera. I have been very happy with my elder Fujifilm FinePix 4700zoom, but I have dropped it one too many times.....any suggestions for an easy to use, cigarette pack shaped camera from anyone will be appreciated!
Take a look at the point and shoot cameras from Sony, Canon and Nikon. They are always among the best.
I agree with Andy. If you are looking for a basic, good, carry around camera then you can't go wrong with those three companies. They all have very good products in a reasonable price range. The cameras span all sizes, but all of them get down pretty small.

The camera I just got is a little more than the average person would need as it lets you control settings as you would on an SLR (aperture, shutter speed, ISO, flash, white balance, etc.). Many point and shoot cameras let you control those things, but they are buried so deep in the menu system that it is next to impossible to really use them. This camera I got does not suffer from that problem.

If you are just looking for a basic camera to take everyday shots and are not expecting professional quality then most Nikon, Canon, and Sony p&s cameras will do you just fine and will not cost a fortune. You can get a really nice camera for around $200.
I agree...I have the Canon PowerShot.. it takes pretty good pictures and it is easy to carry around with me 'cause it is so small
Very nice camera!! I was just reading some of the reviews on this model and I think I just found my next advanced point and shoot camera. Last year I was seriously looking to by the G10 and now with this model why would I even want the newer G11?
My Panasonic Lumix is getting old and it's time to pass that down to someone else. I think I really like this S90....:D
roadfix, I was looking at the Lumix LX3, but size-wise it was larger than what I wanted. That is why I did not get that or the Leica D-Lux 4. This cannon slips right into my pocket which was what I really needed. It looked like both the Leica and Lumix could fit in a pocket if you had to, but not easily which is why I did not go that route.
roadfix, I was looking at the Lumix LX3, but size-wise it was larger than what I wanted. That is why I did not get that or the Leica D-Lux 4. This cannon slips right into my pocket which was what I really needed. It looked like both the Leica and Lumix could fit in a pocket if you had to, but not easily which is why I did not go that route.

I only wish the Canon came with a 24mm WA equivalent. And I don't mind the very short optical zoom range. Back in the old SLR days my Nikkor 24mm/2.8 was one of my favorite lenses.
I don't mind the short optical zoom rabge either. I am actually hoping it will force me to be a better photographer by not relying on zooming.
I don't mind the short optical zoom rabge either. I am actually hoping it will force me to be a better photographer by not relying on zooming.

I know exactly what you're saying. I'm still hoping for a WA fixed focal length, advanced P&S camera. Ricoh had one with a fixed 28mm equivalent but was way over priced.

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