firsthyme said:
My two cents re. shrimp size and soup. More than a spoonful is a waste!
Funny you bring up Gumbo. I plan on making some this weekend and I could use some input. Care to post your Recipe?

Here you go. This is a combination of a couple of Chef Prudhomme's Gumbo recipes.
Chicken, Sausage, and Shrimp Filé Gumbo
Yields: 4 entrée servings
1 chicken, cooked, and picked apart (saving scraps for stock)
½# good smoked sausage, either andouille or kielbasa
5 c chicken and/or seafood stock
Seasoning mix:
¾ t cayenne
1 ½ t paprika
1 t salt
¼ t white pepper
¼ t black pepper
½ t thyme
½ t oregano
1 bay leaf
¾ c margarine (not butter)
2 c chopped onions
2 c chopped celery
2 c chopped green bell peppers
3 T gumbo filé (filé powder)
1 T Tabasco
1 t minced garlic
1 ¼ c canned tomato sauce (10 fluid oz.)
1# medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 ½ c packed crabmeat, picked over, about ½#, optional (I like to get a couple snow crab clusters and pick them)
1 1/3 hot cooked rice
Combine the seasoning mix ingredients in a small bowl and set aside. In a 4-qt heavy soup pot, melt the margarine over medium heat. Add the sausage, and sauté until lightly browned. Add the onions, celery, and bell peppers. Turn heat to high and stir in the gumbo filé, Tabasco, garlic, and seasoning mix. Cook 6 minutes, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to medium and stir in the tomato sauce, continue cooking 5 minutes, stirring constantly. (During this time, the mixture will begin sticking to the pan bottom. As it does so, continually scrape the pan bottom well with a spoon. The scrapings not only add to the gumbo’s flavor, but also decrease the gumbo filé’s ability to thicken.) Add the stock and chicken, and bring gumbo to a boil; reduce heat and simmer 45 - 60 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the shrimp and crabmeat (if desired); cover and turn off the heat. Leave the pot covered just until the seafood is poached, about 6 - 10 minutes. Serve immediately.