New BBQ area project

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I actually have a couple of large, triangular shade sails and use them while working in the sun. But the problem with those is that you must place them strategically as they tend to not create much shaded area, unless you take 3 of them, for instance, and creatively overlapping them for extra coverage. I'm constantly moving my work area trying to stay in the shade with my 16'x16'x16' sail. Plus, we get late afternoon winds daily, so that's also a problem.
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But in the meantime I'll be using a 10' cantilevered umbrella to shade the bbq area. I ordered it from Amazon, fairly cheap, and just received it a couple of days ago. According to reviews wind is a problem so most users weigh the base down with heavy pavers or cement blocks and such. I'm planning on embedding the base in a whiskey barrel planter using sand bags and topping that with plants.
I'm planning on embedding the base in a whiskey barrel planter using sand bags and topping that with plants.

Instead of sand bags I used 100 lbs of gravel, and topped the rest with potting soil. I also bolted 3 heavy duty steel casters underneath the barrel.
I spent part of the day grinding the countertop smooth.


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That looks sooo nice RF. Excellent idea with the barrel. Yep, the wind is always a factor in So. Cal. Will you be able to remove the entire folded umbrella from the barrel when the dang Santa Ana winds blow in the fall?
Done grinding and sealing the countertop......
I'm happy with the way it turned out, having never poured, ground, and sealed a concrete countertop before.


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I suppose it is alright.. I personally think you need to try again... we happen to have a backyard that you could do so in. I only offer out of the desire to see you excel at this. :mrgreen:

You have done some really good work.
Roadfix, I too have a backyard which I would be willing to sacrifice in order to help you gain more practice.

Love it, looks great!
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The Pirate has been doing masonry work on his job and I showed him your work. Sorry Frank, but The Pirate said if he comes here to do the same, he will gladly help him. He said you do beautiful work. :angel:
Thanks again folks! I spent the entire morning stuccoing the rest of the exposed cement blocks.
Next, I need to place some RR ties in a couple of areas around that retaining wall at the far end of the counter so I can back fill with dirt and plant some privacy screen plants as the bbq area is somewhat visible from the street.
Looks beautiful, roadfix! Your railroad ties for a privacy screen plant area sounds great, too. Following your progress. :)

We need an update RF!! I hear on another thread you've used some RR ties? Do tell!

By the way, how bout this beautiful late Nov. sunny warm weather ! I'm looking forward to rain later in the week!
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We need an update RF!! I hear on another thread you've used some RR ties? Do tell!

By the way, how bout this beautiful late Nov. sunny warm weather ! I'm looking forward to rain later in the week!

The RR ties were used to erect retaining walls where we had to make level ground on our hillside back yard. The BBQ area was built on solid native ground. I have yet to build a little pergola over this bbq area.... been busy with other honey-do-this projects around the house.

I'm looking forward to the rain too.... Thanksgiving Day was waaay too warm for me.
Thanks for sharing a recent pic, roadfix. I was just wondering the other day how your project was going. It looks really great - and yes, that's a spectacular view!

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