New Cooking Utensils

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Executive Chef
Apr 1, 2013
Pittsburgh PA
My husband went up in the attic to get the Christmas decorations and came down with two boxes and said "What are these?" One was a new set of knives I bought and one was a new mini food processor I bought. I guess I didn't find a spot for them fast enough and he put them in the attic, never to be seen again! I can no longer go into the attic. I can go up the steps and stick my head in, but I can't move around all crouched down. So anything that's up there, is up there for good!
Great find, Carol!
I opened a box of camping stuff that was in my basement a few years ago and found some utensils I hadn't seen in years. I said, Hey, I could use these! :LOL:
I'm confused. He came down with them, took them back up to the attic, and refuses to bring them back down? Is this a joke?

Carol can't go into the attic, so when her husband was up there getting Christmas stuff he found the knives and FP and brought them down.
Come on now... Virginia isn't that far from Pittsburgh... :LOL:

And isn't it usually the other way around anyway? Usually us guys leave stuff sitting out too long and the wives find a spot... as Carol said, never to be seen again :LOL:
I wish I had someone to come in and take all of the "surprise" boxes I have stacked in the closets, it has been three years since they were put into the closets!

I know if I start going through them the keep pile will be bigger than the Goodwill pile even though I have not needed any of the items in three years.

My name is Bea, I'm a HIT ( Hoarder In Training)! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

Only eleven more steps to go!
When I bought them, I didn't find a place for them fast enough, so he put them in the attic. He hates clutter. He wants everything put away instantly. I think I already told the story about when I got my cooking pots and gear out the night before so I could start cooking first thing in the morning and when I got up, he had put everything away. He doesn't always put things where they belong and then I have to hunt for them. When I met him, his house looked so neat as a pin, but I found out, you don't dare open a cupboard or a drawer!
And isn't it usually the other way around anyway? Usually us guys leave stuff sitting out too long and the wives find a spot... as Carol said, never to be seen again :LOL:
Lol. I'm still looking for the old beat up (but functional) KitchenAid mixer I bought for cheap at a garage sale a few years back. Apparently I left it sitting on the table for too long. One day I went to work and came home that night to find it gone. Mrs K claims she put it in the basement storage area, but I've been through that area many times and there is no mixer. I have long suspected it went into the trash bin because someone didn't deem it pretty enough to sit amongst the other shiny new appliances. :glare:
Before I bought my KitchenAid Mixer I had an Oster Kitchen Center, which was a mixer with a blender attachment and a food processor attachment. I loved that mixer. I bake a lot and it was perfect. Something went wrong with the motor but it still worked good. When you turned the knob to the lowest speed it went the fastest, then the other settings were fine until you got to the highest setting, which went the slowest. But I knew that and knew how to adjust it to my needs. My husband decided I needed a KitchenAid. I put off for a long time, then finally the classic went on sale and I bought it. I am not nearly as happy with it as I was the Oster. I have asked him several times to look in the attic and see if it's there, but he insists that we sold it at a yard sale. I would never have sold it. It has to be up there. But I just can't move around up there, so if it's there, it will stay there!

I think the person who uses the utensil knows best what works for them!!!
I wish I had someone to come in and take all of the "surprise" boxes I have stacked in the closets, it has been three years since they were put into the closets!

I know if I start going through them the keep pile will be bigger than the Goodwill pile even though I have not needed any of the items in three years.

My name is Bea, I'm a HIT ( Hoarder In Training)! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

Only eleven more steps to go!
When I moved out of the old house I had to excavate a number of boxes from under the stairs which I'd never unpacked since I moved in...........30 years ago! I had quite a few surprises!

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