Nutritional Yeast

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
There are 3 previous threads on nutritional yeast, a few years old.
This article is about nutritional yeast.

Do you use it? How?
I've been using it more this past 4 years than in the previous decades.

There are two cheese-like sauces that I add it to. One is for macaroni and no-cheese sauce (aka cheeze). The other is a mozzarella type no-cheese sauce. It gives it a cheezy-like smell and reminds me of cheese, but it is not cheese. (nothing really is like cheese except cheese)

I like to use it on air popped popcorn, that I've sprayed with diluted soy sauce to make it stick.

It comes up as an ingredient in some salad dressing recipes I use.
Mr bliss is having pasta with tomato mushroom sauce and he sprinkles it on that (along with more spices/herbs).

Do you use it? In what?
I’m curious about it.

All of the articles that I’ve seen talk about trying various brands to find the one that you enjoy.

I’ve always worried that I’ll end up with half a dozen expensive mistakes in the back of the refrigerator.

Where should I start? 🤔
I usually buy in bulk (most things). A commonly liked one is Bragg's. Grocery stores carry it.
I use it all the time. It has a cheesy , umami kind of effect on foods. I'm drawing blanks on specific recipes, but my wife, being vegan, a lot of the recipes call call for it. We make an ' Almond Parmesan" with ground up almonds, nutritional yeast, garlic powder and salt. Yeah, it's not parm cheese, but it does taste nice sprinkled on some dishes. Today I made ' Pizza bites" which was basically Almond flour, sun-dried tomatoes ,basil, oregano, nutritional yeast, salt , garlic and onion powder and probably a few things I forgot. It's a pretty universal ingredient and necessary ingredient for vegan cooking. I'll pop back on this thread when more things come to mind .

They do sell flavored nutritional yeast. I think. got a vinegar and dill, and a taco like flavor which I've sprinkled on pop corn, potato chips and other veggie chips.
I don't put it in many things except bread. In the old days, the only nutritional yeast was labeled "brewer's yeast", and had a rank smell (something you wouldn't want to sprinkle on pasta!), then they came up with a variety that was was more or less odorless, and now they've figured out how to keep that "cheesy" aroma, and filter out some of the less desirable aromas. The most recent one I got was Bob's Red Mill unflavored, which I see is one of the two recommended in that article. I haven't really used it as a seasoning, per se, since I use cheese, but I do often add some to the breads I make.
I am about to try nutritional yeast for the first time. I have ordered a meal "kit" from my produce box place that includes nutritional yeast. It arrives tomorrow and is on the meal plan for Wednesday. There is also tofu in this meal kit. I have enjoyed the tofu served in Chinese restos. Back in the 1970s and 80s, the restos called it "bean curd". The hippies called it tofu. It was always awful when called tofu. Anyhoo, I have never cooked with it before, so I figured a kit would be good introduction.
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