Old Venting Thread

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My vent for the day.

I just got done making my dip for tomorrow, when I reached up into the cabinet for a glass. The glass must have had a crack in it because it broke in my hand and the broken glass went right into my bowl of dip. :(
JoAnn, I feel for you and you have every right to vent. I once spent many hours making a chicken asparagus lasagna to take to a potluck, only to have it slide out of my hands and land upside down on the ground. Please don't ask me for the recipe, I threw it away! LOL I do feel your pain.
JoAnn, I feel for you and you have every right to vent. I once spent many hours making a chicken asparagus lasagna to take to a potluck, only to have it slide out of my hands and land upside down on the ground. Please don't ask me for the recipe, I threw it away! LOL I do feel your pain.

Thanks. I don't know how long I just stood there. I just couldn't believe my eyes. Thank goodness I had enough ingredients leftover to make another bowl. I guess I should be grateful that I didn't get cut.
I get really irritated when folks have self-induced problems, broadcast them, then get upset with criticism. sheesh. if they don't want criticism, then don't don't air your dirty laundry in full view. Folks will notice and probably say, "Hey, you got some dirty laundry!"
unwanted, unexpected guests irk me. especially when they hold a 'holier-than-thou' attitude. ESPECIALLY when they cannot shush. & VERY especially when they whine! later. my babe is here!
Trying to shush somebody up?
public forums are public forums
have a good one... or two... or three...
nope, just speaking of a now non-pal from facebook who took attitude with my girl last nite.. why?
& you got it wrong. try 15. tis the season!
nope, just speaking of a now non-pal from facebook who took attitude with my girl last nite.. why?
& you got it wrong. try 15. tis the season!
luvs, I learned long ago too, say no and knock it off..I don't let anyone get to me. If they do, I just keep quiet and ignore it.Don't let em bug ya

I get really irritated when folks have self-induced problems, broadcast them, then get upset with criticism. sheesh. if they don't want criticism, then don't don't air your dirty laundry in full view. Folks will notice and probably say, "Hey, you got some dirty laundry!"
There are times it bothers me when someone is hurting and won't respond to offers of help.I try not to criticise I could be in worse shape and need to just vent...They are not asking for our opinions really or how we would handle the situation. They just need someone to quietly listen, offer a be well and take care.....If we can't do that, in my case, I just read the post and not say anything. Believe me it saves a lot of anguish for all of us.
luvs, I learned long ago too, say no and knock it off..I don't let anyone get to me. If they do, I just keep quiet and ignore it.Don't let em bug ya

kades, i trust your advice, since i adore your dear self, i agree, though i'm with a temper & hafta WORK not to reply to remarks from silly people. even if i knoooooowwwwwwwwwww to ignore them, my temprament oftentakes the lead role. thanks for reading between the lines, luv.
kades, i trust your advice, since i adore your dear self, i agree, though i'm with a temper & hafta WORK not to reply to remarks from silly people. even if i knoooooowwwwwwwwwww to ignore them, my temprament oftentakes the lead role. thanks for reading between the lines, luv.
Sweetie, you've never seen me when I get really angry,it took hard work to learn to be still but I can do it now and feel happy with myself for learning control. If I can, you can:) And I know you will.
lol, kades, since you're quite the cook, i can just SEE food flung about the room as you shout & stomp. :) my, you're a dear. TOO precious.
I just figured out, at the "Celebration of Life" for a wonderful friend who lost her battle with cancer, that I don't know how to grieve and made it worse for myself for not being able to identify my feelings. Now I have apologies to make to other good friends and I am feeling guilty, sad and lost.
lol, kades, since you're quite the cook, i can just SEE food flung about the room as you shout & stomp. :) my, you're a dear. TOO precious.
luvs, I never stomp, I just throw things..My guys are great at ducking:LOL:
I just figured out, at the "Celebration of Life" for a wonderful friend who lost her battle with cancer, that I don't know how to grieve and made it worse for myself for not being able to identify my feelings. Now I have apologies to make to other good friends and I am feeling guilty, sad and lost.
Laurie, how to describe to grieve? Do you find it hard to stay focused on what your doing? Are you restless? Do you say to your self I should have visited more? Why didn't I? Do you suddenly start to cry over a song you hear or cry at a card long forgotten?? To me that is grieving. You grieve with each memory and the longing that comes with old memories.We really can't identify those feeling at first, but they will lessen as time goes on, then you don't feel guilty, you lift your friend up in spirit. She will know.. You would never have to apologize to me nor should you to friends..Your love is a better gift.How lucky we are to call you friend.

hugs, cj
i'm ticked at the way jake spends when he could be placing $$ aside for important items! ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! he bought a new flatscreen like maybe a year ago, probably less than, & last wk, bought a helicoptor that flies through the room. he buying another flatscreen & another helicoptor this pay.
PLUS he gave my tigs chocolate ice cream, now he's snubbing his crunchies & treats. GREAT, my 16.5 pound feline wants ice cream for dinner now!
& this is great, too, didn't type 'bout this yet. at dinner, we were discussing re-stocking the new place's kitch, & he was being kinda evasive 'bout throwing in on the $$ for that. so i was like, 'well, i'm not gonna buy this stuff by myself!' & he proceeded to inform me that he already contributed his, since the venison he got was $55!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $55!!!!!!!!!!!!! it'll be at LEAST several hundred to re-stock very very basics, i'm great with my food budget, & he's gotten too aware of that. well, i'm taking myself somewhere great, so mr. moneybags can replinish the kitch with his dagnabbin silly helicoptor/flatscreen dough! by himself! he drinks my ensure & boost, $9 per 6, & the foods i buy that i buy for myself & my health, tonite he zoomed in on my pelligrino. that''ll be the day.......
I'd just finished throwing a party when a friend told me her son was coming as a surprise visit for my husband. So I busted my buns getting the mess cleaned up, got the guest room ready, etc. They walked into my house and the woman (the friend's child bride, he's in his fifties, she twenty-something) took one look at the guest room, and they left! Now I have to tell you I have people line up to stay in that room who have a hell of a lot more class than this idiot gal. Then we went to dinner and the entire group embarrassed me by their rude behavior. It was easily the worst weekend I've ever had.
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