Petty Vents

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I AM LIVID!! That the ER doctor didn't give DD an antibiotic!! Her doctor said he didn't get the whole cyst, and it got so infected. What surgeon does a procedure and not prescribe antibiotics? Heck, even when you get a tooth pulled, you get a script to prevent infection. She's in so much pain.

What is she getting for pain?? PM me if you want.
Nothing. She’s taking ibuprofen. The ER guy didn’t give her anything.

She can take Tylenol along with the ibuprofen. Anything stronger would have to come from her doctor or the on-call doctor. Be tough to get something today, but worth the try. Once pain takes hold it's hard to get on top of it. On a scale of 1-10, if her pain is above a the doctor.
I placed an order to be shipped. It should have gone from Point A to Point B direct. Could be done in 2 days max. (not counting holiday times)

Could someone please explain why a shipment must go from Point A to Point E to Point D, Point C and finally to Point B over an 8/9 day time line?

Gotta love the Post Office! ... not ...
Once again, I've been having issues with the DC app on my phone or tablet. Unless I "delete/install" it each time I want to log on, I get a "Access denied" message. I really prefer using my phone or tablet for DC and Facebook. It's easier for me to get in and get out without lingering. :LOL: Once I sit down at my laptop, it's just too danged easy to get sucked into the vortex know as the Interwebs. I have just too many things I want to get done without wasting time at a keyboard. Maybe this is the universe's way of telling me to take a break...
Once again, I've been having issues with the DC app on my phone or tablet. Unless I "delete/install" it each time I want to log on, I get a "Access denied" message. I really prefer using my phone or tablet for DC and Facebook. It's easier for me to get in and get out without lingering. :LOL: Once I sit down at my laptop, it's just too danged easy to get sucked into the vortex know as the Interwebs. I have just too many things I want to get done without wasting time at a keyboard. Maybe this is the universe's way of telling me to take a break...

Interesting that you post this, at this time.

For the first time, I get the same message trying to enter DC on my Android.
Has never happened before. I use my phone only because pics won't show up correctly on DC, if I load them from my phone to the laptop.

I suppose I have to delete DC from the phone.

My Gal Pal and I just got back from an overnight trip to THE Big City.
Before she came to pick me up for the drive down, DH told me
that I should be sure to pay for the hotel parking, since my friend
did the driving.


$38USD is a bit much, I think.
The last time that we were there is was $12 :mad:
K-girl, I pay $14 for 12 hours to park in our big city, but that's a corporate rate. It would be $21 for 12, or $40 per day otherwise. I'm on the fringe of mid-town. It's more expensive the farther in you go.

I remember parking for $5 a day when I first started working in the city in '85. Now they're talking about adding a congestion tax like London has. I'll probably have to kick in another $15 per day just to drive south of 60th street, any time of day. I get it that it's an attempt to force people to take mass transit, but crime is exploding on the subways of late. I guess they need more victims.
Think I posted somewhere parking at the hospital was $21. for 3 hours. Don't remember the maximum.

But there were a lot of people sitting in cars on the streets, just waiting for a call to come to the doors to pick up.
Last week the Micro-Exhaust Fan combo made the most horrific noise and would not work. :mad:
I called my guy; he couldn't come until today.
Took the thing apart and found nothing wrong with it.
Hooked it all back up, turned it on, presto! It works fine, damn it! :huh:
He said he has no idea what it was, but should this happen again, he said to just buy a new one. It won't be worth it fix it.
Yeah, but this visit, for nothing, cost us $72USD, damn it!!!! :censored:
K-girl, I pay $14 for 12 hours to park in our big city, but that's a corporate rate. It would be $21 for 12, or $40 per day otherwise. I'm on the fringe of mid-town. It's more expensive the farther in you go.

I remember parking for $5 a day when I first started working in the city in '85. Now they're talking about adding a congestion tax like London has. I'll probably have to kick in another $15 per day just to drive south of 60th street, any time of day. I get it that it's an attempt to force people to take mass transit, but crime is exploding on the subways of late. I guess they need more victims.

Think I posted somewhere parking at the hospital was $21. for 3 hours. Don't remember the maximum.

But there were a lot of people sitting in cars on the streets, just waiting for a call to come to the doors to pick up.

Mahalo, thanks guys, now I don't feel like such a dope.
Last week the Micro-Exhaust Fan combo made the most horrific noise and would not work. :mad:
I called my guy; he couldn't come until today.
Took the thing apart and found nothing wrong with it.
Hooked it all back up, turned it on, presto! It works fine, damn it! :huh:
He said he has no idea what it was, but should this happen again, he said to just buy a new one. It won't be worth it fix it.
Yeah, but this visit, for nothing, cost us $72USD, damn it!!!! :censored:

I nuked a bowl of soup yesterday...just under 2 minutes. It wasn't as warm as it should be and there was an odor that wasn't soup! Immediately, I asked DH to unplug it and get it out of here! This morning I ordered a new one. Something different than the last one, and I just hope it fits!

So, I feel for you K-girl! Of course, I just bought a new bread machine...and I might not have done so, had I known the microwave was about to take a dump.
I just got my car out of the lot before I got charged for another 12 hours. Here's the rates for tourists/visitors. Don't forget the 18 3/8% NYC parking tax, just so you can enjoy a little annoying math when you're being robbed.


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Parking fees like that are one reason we don't go into Boston. The only time we've seen prices like that in Cleveland are for event parking. If you're away from the venues or in town on a regular night, you can usually find street or lot parking for free or cheap.
Well, Bucky, I think you should have stayed the full 24 hours. It really is the best deal.

Lol, Ginny.
In my best yiddish accent, "Such a deal!"

I can park for free on my street after 7 PM, so it's cheaper, but you takes yer chances. Crime is spiking here. It's like the 70s and 80s again.
I kind of feel is a very rare occasion that we pay for parking. At the Farmers' Market, there is paid parking, to park closer, but it is a donation thing. The Expo sometimes charges for parking and it is usually 6 bucks for the day. Downtown Vancouver has parking meters in some places. It takes quarters.
I LOVE Vancouver. What a great city. The homeless thing is sad, but what an otherwise beautiful place with great people.

Lol, btw, I keep saying your name in my head, Ginny, like Forrest Gump.

Peas and carrots.
I believe the proper term now is "houseless". We never had any, until 2021. At least, we never saw any. Now Portland, that's another story. But I understand that Portland is "relocating" many because the houseless are getting hit by cars on the freeway. So, some are relocating over to this side of the river.
Yes, I heard that calling folks homeless is prejudicial. Getting the terminology seems more important than helping them, tho.

Back in the 90s and early 2000s, though, there was a big problem with people living on the streets. I remember it being a problem on many skiing trips to Whistler/Blackcomb. Being a NYer, it was nothing I've seen before, but many folks were shocked.

Maybe they got smart and moved south.

I still thing B.C. folks rock.
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