Petty Vents

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yeah, he sure needs help, but we cant give it we can only nudge or see if any one closer to him can. How ever, he is doing more and that might end up at the police and they can help.
If a guy walked up to my wife and grabbed her boobs against her will, ex or not, he'd be swallowing a few teeth.
Holy crap CP, I was just thinking along the lines of Tom...
I (with a very strong accent on I) would have nailed him!
How dare he!
And I agree with dragn, that's molestation!!
NO ONE and I mean No one has the right to do that to anyone!
If he's still keeping his shenanigans up on or off the forum,
a) Make sure the adimn as well as mods on this site know about him
b) report him to the police
If he hasn't got enough sense and none has clued him in,
TOUGH, well, you know what!!!

edit: DH just chimed in,
DH: WHAT THE HELL!!! That's called Sex Assalt!
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the guy seriously has a mental health problem and you can't force him to seek help - but I would hope your system, starting with the police and the courts, probably could.

You would really be doing him a favour by reporting him - it is possible you are not the only recipient of his "affectional delusions" and another person might do him serious personal harm.

Not to mention that person might end up in the courts for assault!
Maybe the natural and artificial flavor is pistachio?
It's possible. Himself decided that he would rather have a muffin now (as in at breakfast "now") rather than bother to swap it at the grocery store. Since the muffins were for him anyway, I didn't care. He said in spite of their appearance and labeling, they did taste like pistachio. Whatever. I had my little loaf of Irish soda bread for me. :yum:

Or maybe somebody who didn't know the difference packaged them?
Perhaps, but the fact that "pistachio" never shows up in the ingredients list makes me go "huh". :huh: After all, they were labeled "Pistachio muffins". :LOL:
It happened 10 years ago, 1 year before I met my husband. Swedes are not that violent, but he got telling off and was throw out from the party. That was it, he was behaving sort of normal / ignoring me after that.

He been mildly annoying on and off and last year it started escalated to this and then few other things. My husband is calm, he said the logic train of toad boy derailed a long time ago . It looks like the police will be connected, not by me but some one else, since what happened to me is to old and pre new rape laws.
Cadbury Mini Eggs. Delectable morsels of milk chocolate with a vanilla infused hard candy shell. A simple treat. Most people prefer dark chocolate, as do I. It’s really just an enhanced oversized M&M. It’s not top shelf chocolate or a particularly complex gourmet creation.

So why am I addicted to them. SO bought me a giant bag. I can’t stop eating them. I have to physically place them out of reach so I don’t empty the entire dish in a sitting.
I feel your pain, Andy, but this is my tripping stone:

IMO, Reese's Pieces can't hold a candle to the peanut butter they put in M&M products.
I destroyed my tummy on Spanish Pear drops, those are heaven and they come bigger and egg shaped at Easter.
The sophisticated Robo Calls

I hate those things.
Some woman just called.Once she knew an actual person was on the line.
She asked if she could talk to my Mommy? I told her "sure if your into talking to the dead." Good luck.:rolleyes:

What really gets me is the people are using a prerecorded message.
Every time they ask me for money I say no and the reason why.

They over ride my answer with a "But if you could just send $20.00 to the Women's research for breast cancer.They could really use the the money for their daily care medical or other needs." As she put it.So which is it?
Research or other needs?

Frankly I think they are exploiting women's breast cancer.
Men get it to_Oh, I forgot it's the forget men movement now.They are nothing!Gender neutrality is the in thing! Not in my book.

My answer to that. I could really use the money to help my disabled husband with his daily needs.I have yet to ask anyone for money!
It's called holding your own.It's a wife's duty.I'm happy to help.

Asked to have my #taken off the DNC list. I won't have a problem filing a complaint with the FCC.She hung up on me as the prerecorded message was still playing.

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I don't say a word and just hang up the phone with calls like that.

The calls I detest is when they act like they know you personally.

Cheerful voice.."Hi Kayelle, I'm so glad to finally get to talk you. You're a hard one to track down. Have you got a minute?"

GRRRRRRR :angry::bash:
I don't say a word and just hang up the phone with calls like that.

The calls I detest is when they act like they know you personally.

Cheerful voice.."Hi Kayelle, I'm so glad to finally get to talk you. You're a hard one to track down. Have you got a minute?"

GRRRRRRR :angry::bash:

She did that to.
*Scam warning went off in my mind*
Really don't bother me before I've had a cup of coffee first.:ermm:

My name isn't Rachel.:LOL:
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