Petty Vents

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Couple times in my life, the '60s and oughts, hair grew to my lower back and beard to belly. Didn't notice receipt checkers but some places an armed guard would overtly follow me around the store.
They have a receipt checker at Costco too. They tell you it's to make sure you got everything in the carriage that you paid for but I'm pretty sure they're looking for unpaid items.

I have heard that "reason" too, at Costco. It would be more convincing if they ever noticed when an item was missing from the cart as you are leaving.
What about going directly to the manager? Believe it when letter can be answered but never acted on. Yet if you ALSO see the manager and mention a letter has gone out, something will be done.

I'd like to think someone would believe in bettering the situation by retraining and watching over her.

I think that would be lovely. All of us have various unconscious biases. This person may not have been aware that they were racially profiling the customers.
last night cut my finger on the mandolin :mad:

Right index, just the tip. Took 2 paper towels and alot of pressure to stem the blood flow lomg enuf to get a proper bandage on. then still had to wrap another paper towel over that and hog tie it with packing tape.

Can't type, can't hold the dremel, can't drain quail eggs, can't garden, cam't cook... but I can swear tho! Thank goodness no one lives within very loud swear hearing distance.

Been there, done that... twice. Much profanity followed. :LOL:

They have a receipt checker at Costco too. They tell you it's to make sure you got everything in the carriage that you paid for but I'm pretty sure they're looking for unpaid items.

Yes, but they check everybody, not just "certain" people.

Been there, done that... twice. Much profanity followed. :LOL:


I guess I should post this in the Thankfulness Thread. This time it wasn't the whole side of my finger almost down to the bone :sick: like I did the first time. LOL that was a doozy!

So it will be sensitive but already down to just one bandage. ;)


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Dragn and Casey...
After my first bad injury I got these safety gloves...

After the second finger incident, which required a visit to doc-in-a-box, because the bleeding wouldn't stop, I threw away my mandolin. There was some profanity involved with that, too.

The doctor cauterized the wound, with no novocaine. Ibuprofen wasn't getting the job done, so I had to get vodka off the bench.

I probably should too (get gloves). Don't you find them awkward? do they fit snug, or are they loose. Can they go over arthritic joints but still be snug?
I guess I'm just looking at it as another inconvenient step while prepping. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know- inconvenient to put on a glove or wait several days (or weeks) to heal.

I guess I should this in "today's Funny" but think about it. You have a huge bandage on your right hand and the left wrist is in a metal supported elastic wrap that could probably give an elephant a headache. and you have to go potty. :ermm: :huh:
Doesn't anyone use the tool (food safety holder according to Amazon) that comes with mandolins and V-Slicers to keep your fingers out of harms way?
Doesn't anyone use the tool (food safety holder according to Amazon) that comes with mandolins and V-Slicers to keep your fingers out of harms way?
I do, *and* I have a glove. I haven't had any injuries as long as I use the tool. Then I chop the nub that's left with a knife.

Dragnlaw, the glove fits very snugly and the material is very soft and flexible, so it shouldn't hurt your fingers to put it on and wear it. And as Taxy said, it protects your fingers while grating things, too.
Well, other than the chain mail gloves for butchers, I think the safety gloves are all stretchy. I really think they will fit fine over arthritic hands, but have no experience with that.

I will admit that it might be a good idea to use them when I'm chopping, but I can't usually be arsed to do that. To me, the nuisance part is remembering to put the glove on and washing it afterwards. No, washing it isn't hard or tedious, but I have to find a place to stand the glove up to dry.
Doesn't anyone use the tool (food safety holder according to Amazon) that comes with mandolins and V-Slicers to keep your fingers out of harms way?

Yes, I use that pusher tool with my V-slicer. But, not when I want carrot rounds or celery slices or shredded cabbage. I don't bother taking out the V-slicer for celery or carrot unless going to do a lot. If I'm doing something else with it anyways, I will use it for those too, even if it's only smaller amounts. I usually put on the glove even if I'm going to use the pusher for everything. That way I won't forget and have a oops.
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I guess you all use a slicer more frequently than I do. I only use it when I have large quantities of an item that need some uniformity such as onions for onion soup or lyonnaise potatoes. I do just about all the rest with a chef's knife.
I generally use a chef's knife for most of my slicing and dicing. I use the mandolin when I need really uniform thin slices. I can slice pretty thin but not uniformly like the mando.

My oopsy's always happen a nano second before I finish the thought "it is time to switch to the safety holder thingy".

Although the big oopsy was because the sleeping cat fell off the kitchen chair, landed on the sleeping dog, who was directly behind me....
I guess you all use a slicer more frequently than I do. I only use it when I have large quantities of an item that need some uniformity such as onions for onion soup or lyonnaise potatoes. I do just about all the rest with a chef's knife.
Does it? I probably use it three or four times a month. I do most of my chopping with my chef's knife, but when I use the slicer, I always use the glove. And dragn, I just throw it in the laundry basket.
I suppose this could be considered a full vent, but I couldn't find the thread for it. So here I am.

Been trying to sell that trailer I bought.

One person emailed me. Then crickets.

Someone else texted me. Then crickets.

Another person texted me and asked a ton of questions until I finally asked him if he had seen the ad. He asked me to send a link. I did. Then crickets. But I still want to know how he got my number if he had never seen the ad.

Anyhoo, the next person called me and wanted to see the trailer and was very excited about it. He let me know that he was flying into Seattle and could he get a bus over here. ??? Well, there is actually an Airporter that could drop him off nearby and I could pick him up to see the trailer, but then I asked him how he was going to get it home. He said, "This isn't an RV?" *facepalm* Not only does the ad start with "5th Wheel for Sale..." but I have literally 4 pictures of the outside of it in the ad. How you could miss that...? So he said he'd think it over and call me if his situation changes...

Then I get a call from the father of the person who emailed me. Gave him all the info, he said he would give it to his son, and crickets.

Then the person who originally texted me texts me again. He said he had been "resting". ??? So now he wants to see the trailer on Sunday. Great, says I, I am going up there myself on Sunday. Want to meet up in nearest town and follow me to it?

Sure, says he, and wants to know how far it is from (town on other side of bridge). I ask him if he can call me because it would be easier to explain the directions. He says OK and then crickets. I texted him yesterday and even called this morning before I left to ask if he still wanted to see the trailer today. Crickets.

And the reason I was going up to my lot was because the guy who was going to put the water in was going to meet me there. Besides putting in the water, I wanted to let him know what trees he can take. So that was Thursday. I drive up to my lot today and....he never showed. That is the second time this happened. Last time I called him and he "forgot". This time I just waited half an hour and having received no call or text, I just left. And unless he calls me back, that will be our last contact. Seriously, if you don't want to do the job, just tell me! My little feelers would not be hurt. Really!

At this point, I'm totally frustrated with both the water and trying to sell that trailer. I've decided I'm going to get someone else to put the water in and I'm thinking of setting the trailer on fire (not really. Well, maybe).

This water thing has been going on for over a year now and I need it in before I can do anything else. So I'm seriously thinking about staying where I am for another year and saving up some more money and trying to get that (*^& trailer sold. I also want to get the lot bulldozed and terraced a bit and that will cost some money (a lot). Staying here would be the smart thing to do and if the trailer doesn't sell in a couple of weeks, that's what I'll do.

But I may cut off the computer next month to save a little more money. We'll have to see how that goes.

So my vent for today is - PEOPLE! BAH!
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