Please Pray for Our Friend and Her Family

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Barbara L

Traveling Welcome Wagon
Apr 4, 2004
Somewhere, US
My best friend is the same age as our daughter (29). She is married and has two sons, ages 8 and 5 (the youngest mildly autistic). She is our pastor's daughter, and she has such a heart for people (I always say I am married to the male version of Christi!). Some of us at church, but mainly Christi, have been helping a pregnant young lady who, for reasons I won't go into, cannot keep her baby.

A very nice couple was found, the adoption was arranged, and after a few months, the baby was born a few days ago. Christi was there for the birth and even cut the cord. The adoptive mother-to-be flew down as soon as labor started, while the father-to-be went to the doctor, planning to join her right after. That is where things changed. The father-to-be discovered he has cancer, and they decided that it would not be fair to the baby to adopt her right now.

The girl who had the baby asked Christi to take the baby. So now, if all goes well (this will be a year-long process) Christi now has three kids. She said the boys are great big brothers and her husband is being awesome. Christi has some health issues (she falls sometimes and needs knee surgery, as well as a few other issues). Please pray for this new family. As her dad said, there are so many reasons why this is probably not a good idea, but when He leads us, we need to follow. Christi and her husband are great parents to their boys and will be wonderful parents to this sweet little girl.

So, could you please pray for Christi, her husband, the baby, the boys, the biological mother, and the man who will no longer be able to be her dad because of his cancer (and his wife)? Thank you in advance.

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prayers, they are coming now for all and also for you for letting us know of someone in need..In a way some prayers have been answered, that sweet little girl now has a wonderful mother..Maybe her need will help her mom.
I'll pray for that too.
What a lucky little girl!! To have such a loving new family!! My prayers go out the the poor couple that were ready and waiting for her. Bless his heart! So many people would have taken her anyway and not cared about her, just themselves. Good for them. I hope all goes well for them. My prayers to the biological mom too. I hope that, whatever is going on, she is able to get past this and get her life going for herself.
My prayers are to them all!!
More prayers from here. TX, thanks for also bringing up the fact that the birthmother also needs us at this time. Barbara, thank you for bringing this family to our attention. They really do need all the support they can get.
We got to meet the baby, Kaylen Leigh, today. She is the tiniest little thing, and so adorable! She is 18 inches long and weighs somewhere between five and six pounds. She looks like a doll!

I got the full story today (I already knew everything up to the birth), and it was an amazing story. Christi didn't just make this decision light-heartedly, and everything confirmed that it was to be. Christi was scared to call her husband to ask how he felt about it, but when she talked to him, he wasn't surprised or shocked at all because he had seen it all in a dream the night before. Believe me, he is not the kind of guy who could register no shock and then make something like that up. It was real. Then a woman at the hospital (a nurse?) said that she didn't know what was going on in Christi's life, but she said she knew Christi needed prayer. Christi doesn't like strangers touching her face, but she felt right at home as this woman kissed her on the forehead and wrapped her in what felt like a fully enveloping hug and prayed for her. Then she kissed her fingers and touched the baby's head and said, "She's perfect." I have never felt so strongly in my life that someone was an angel, but I do believe she was one (and so does Christi).

Anyway, everything is going well. The birth mother is scheduled for a little surgery (she agreed to it) to stop this from happening again, but the money from the planned adoptive parents will stop before it is scheduled, so we worry that she will disappear before it happens. The thing is, she is 31 and this was her 7th pregnancy (7 dads). Her mom (in her 60s) is raising the other 4 that lived, and she just can't deal with this happening all the time, so she drew the line after the last one before this one. I'm not being judgmental--this young woman is a nice person. We really like her. She just has no feelings of self-worth and relies on drugs and men to get by. We are praying hard that she can turn her life around. We just don't think she is ready to now.

Thanks for your prayers for all involved. They are very much appreciated.

Lovely act of Christi and her husband and a terrible loss to the adoptive-to-be parents, and to happen on top of/as a result of the cancer. Somethings are just meant to be. Good fortune to all parties.
Barbara, please add my prayers to the list. I will lift them all up as soon as I am finished this post. Please keep us posted if you can.
Dear Barbara, please go to and click on Ela's picture at the top of the opening page. You will read about what some contend with every day and it's beyond sad. Thank goodness for the angels who are taking the little one.

I would think that the very best that can be done now is for someone to beg for money for the birth mother to have the operation. The world would be blessed by them. Hard but true.
Dear Barbara, please go to and click on Ela's picture at the top of the opening page. You will read about what some contend with every day and it's beyond sad. Thank goodness for the angels who are taking the little one.

I would think that the very best that can be done now is for someone to beg for money for the birth mother to have the operation. The world would be blessed by them. Hard but true.
Thank you for the link David. I just don't know how parents can do something like that. Thank goodness someone took Ela into her heart. I pray they raise all the money they need.

The birth mom in this case has already said she won't keep the appointment to get her tubes tied because she wants to wait until her puffy stomach goes down. Just an excuse. A week after the baby was born she has already had an "overnight visitor" and had a hangover this morning. It is so sad that she doesn't see what she is doing to herself and to all the babies she keeps having.

Thanks for asking! The baby turned 2 months old Saturday and is growing like a weed (from 5 to 9 pounds). She is so cute and sweet! The family is doing great.

The biological mom did have her tubes tied (last week), which is good. She has a lot of decisions to make right now, as the money stops as of the end of this month. She doesn't have a car or job. She needs a lot of prayer. Partly for her physical safety (food, shelter), but also for her self-esteem, faith, etc.

We like her and have done a lot to help her, but we can't (and shouldn't) do everything for her. We believe it would be in the best interest of all concerned if she were to relocate away from the baby.

I need to get some new pictures of the baby. The one I am attaching is when she was 6 days old.



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Aww, she is adorable!! I'm glad the family is doing well and it is working out.
The b-mom has my prayers for a better life for herself. I'm glad that she had surgery though.
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