Potato Cakes:

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Senior Cook
Aug 14, 2007
These turned out great!

Potato Cakes:


***I Doubled The Following Ingredients:

3 Russet Potatoes

1/3 Cup Flour

1 Egg

2 T. Butter, Softened

1/2 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese

Diced White Onions, To Taste

^**Or Green Onions!

My Potato Seasoning, To Taste, Recipe Below

McCormick Coarse Ground Black Pepper, To Taste

Vegetable Oil, For Frying
Potato Seasoning:
2 Tsp. Garlic Salt

2 Tsp. Onion Salt

2 Tsp. Salt

2 Tsp. Paprika
Whisk garlic salt, onion salt, salt and paprika in a bowl.

Put in a sealed container.

***I put it in an empty spice container to shake it on.

***Label spice container
Boil a pot of water over a high heat. Peel and wash your potatoes, then add them to the water and boil until they are parboiled (about 6-7 minutes, they should be hard to touch, but, easy to grate). Drain them in a colander and run them under cold water until cool enough to hold. Grate the potatoes.

In a mixing bowl, beat your egg in a bowl.

Add the grated potatoes, flour, softened butter, cheddar cheese, salt, pepper, potato seasoning, onions and then combine.

Using your hands, form the mixture into patties.

Place a splash or two of vegetable oil in a skillet and heat on medium-high.

Add the patties and cook for about 3 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and crispy.

Once cooked, put on a paper towel-lined plate; serve.

Dollop with sour cream, if desired.


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