Prime Rib

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Here’s how the reverse sear should end up. Perfect medium rare from end to end with no overcooked outer ring ??


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This is too late, but we cooked ours at the same temps as we always have, @Roll_Bones was correct at 200 per pound and 500, but we started at 200, ended up not quite being an hour per pound when we hit 123, then rested for about an hour while side dishes cooked st 375, then we heated oven to 500 and popped the prime rib back in for a little over 5 minutes until the fat cap got nice and crispy.

I had dry brined the roast for about 36 hours with the normal amount of salt I would use for seasoning then on a rack uncovered in the refrigerator.

Pic is dark, but that's an end piece and still med rare.

This is too late, but we cooked ours at the same temps as we always have, @Roll_Bones was correct at 200 per pound and 500, but we started at 200, ended up not quite being an hour per pound when we hit 123, then rested for about an hour while side dishes cooked st 375, then we heated oven to 500 and popped the prime rib back in for a little over 5 minutes until the fat cap got nice and crispy.

I had dry brined the roast for about 36 hours with the normal amount of salt I would use for seasoning then on a rack uncovered in the refrigerator.

Pic is dark, but that's an end piece and still med rare.

View attachment 62983
Now that is roasted to perfection! I hope Craig is okay? Happy Holiday to both of you.
Now that is roasted to perfection! I hope Craig is okay? Happy Holiday to both of you.
Thank you.

More or less. He still has some short term memory and lack of common sense/thinking ahead of consequences issues and a very low frustration level, as well as some left arm issues due to some leftover residual from stroke, but much more residual from the shingles he had in July with resulting nerve damage for which he is getting physical therapy and is getting better slowly.
Thank you.

More or less. He still has some short term memory and lack of common sense/thinking ahead of consequences issues and a very low frustration level, as well as some left arm issues due to some leftover residual from stroke, but much more residual from the shingles he had in July with resulting nerve damage for which he is getting physical therapy and is getting better slowly.
I did not know this. Thank you. I hope and expect Craig gets healthy again very soon.
He is a very valuable asset on this forum.
Give him my deepest regards.

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