Rainy Day Baking

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Gravy Queen

Head Chef
Mar 1, 2012
Over the rainbow
Well what else do you do on a glorious rainy Summer afternoon? Bake.

I made this gluten free Peach, Almond and Blueberry Cake to warm us up. :)


  • Peach Blueberry cake.jpg
    Peach Blueberry cake.jpg
    86.7 KB · Views: 238
Well what else do you do on a glorious rainy Summer afternoon? Bake.

I made this gluten free Peach, Almond and Blueberry Cake to warm us up. :)
It's gluten free - is it egg/dairy free by any chance? DH would love something like that! Even if it isn't I would love the recipe as I have learned to adapt things! That looks awesome!
Gravy Queen: It does Not Rain in Madrid, nor in Puglia !

Seriously speaking, there is a real lack of rain in both Madrid all year long and the summers in Puglia are arid ...

However, your recipe and photo are very tempting and I have already placed your cake on the September to do list ...

The Vet takes a cake and cookies to the Clinic twice a week, and so he keeps me busy !!! ha ha ha ... I enjoy too ...

Thanks for posting.
Have a lovely August.
I'm sorry but in new to this forum. What is a DH?
DH = dear husband
DW = dear wife
SO = significant other
DS = dear son
DD = dear daughter

There are more but I am on my phone and don't know the link to the list. Hopefully someone else can provide that :)

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