Random Photo Thread: The Sequel

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I was driving to the grocery store this morning early and saw this group of birds standing by a water-filled ditch beside the road. There were 10 Wood Storks, two Roseate Spoonbills, and a bunch of White Egrets that I couldn't count because a car was coming up behind me. Glad my camera was handy for once -- just rolled down the window & took a shot.

Love this! Florida has such an amazing variety of birds.

I used to see a great blue heron daily on my commute to one of my districts. Here along the river, bald eagles are a common, but lovely sight.
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Thanks, folks. A Wood Stork reminds me of a hermit -- they look somehow aged and sort of hunched over. And this bunch would be Monty Python's colony of hermits.
Thank you, Dawg and Princess. He always has his tongue stuck out when he bats, I guess it helps him concentrate. LOL...that little guy has always loved baseball!
Tyler is The MAN! I love it when kids enjoy sports so much. :heart: BTW, my Mom always stuck her tongue out a little bit when she was concentrating. I've found out that I now do that sometimes when I'm threading a needle. I guess it makes the eye in the needle look bigger. :LOL:

EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to let you know that's a remarkable photo of the clouds with the bonus maybe-hawk. Remarkable how nature gives us a little treat when we aren't expecting it. ~~ Kayelle, I like the way our little chickadees are so brave when I'm filling the bird feeders. I've had one buzz my ear, only to pull up and fly away as he realizes that big monster standing next to his perch is moving!
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The day I arrived in Aransas Pass, Tx. I was coming in a cab from the airport in Corpus Christi. It was at a time when I was following the plight of the Whooping Crane. They were at their lowest at the time. Twenty-five. Right there on Wheeler Avenue, was a swampy area with drinkable water and tall grass. Prime real estate for them. But that is not where they are supposed to be. They winter in the Aransas Wildlife Refuge in Rockport. There was one lone WC. It had overshot where it was supposed to be. The cab driver stopped the cab, called in to his dispatcher to let him know exactly where the bird was located. It seems that all the locals in Aransas Pass and Rockport look after the birds and report to the authorities if one is where it shouldn't be. We stayed there until the wildlife officer arrived and got the crane on its way.

What a welcome to my new home. :angel:
I was driving to the grocery store this morning early and saw this group of birds standing by a water-filled ditch beside the road. There were 10 Wood Storks, two Roseate Spoonbills, and a bunch of White Egrets that I couldn't count because a car was coming up behind me. Glad my camera was handy for once -- just rolled down the window & took a shot.
What a great shot, tinlizzie! Lucky you to have that camera ready to point-and-shoot.

Our collection of birds in our backyard are of the small variety. It will be hard to see them in my picture, but we've seem to have had an influx of JUNCOS (aka "snowbirds" :ermm: ) in the last few days. So many, way too soon.


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I like juncos. My now dead Mugo pine (RIP, Mugo) outside of my sunroom attracts all sorts of birds, juncos, chickadees, downy woodpeckers.
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I like juncos too, Dawg. Just not this early in the season! :LOL:

Each bird I see is my "favorite" at the time I'm looking at it. However, if I HAD to pick just a couple of favorites I'd probably go with cardinals (because my Mom loved them, and I've heard that when you see a cardinal it is a deceased loved one coming to visit you :heart: ) and American goldfinches. We used to have an upside-down thistle feeder - it was a riot watching the finches hang on the perches upside-down eating! Had that feeder for years back in OH; since we moved here the squirrels destroyed that one, plus two more. :glare: We now use a standard thistle feeder. No matter the feeder, it's still fun to watch them fly. Their up-and-down movements always make me think of Woodstock from the "Peanuts" comic strip. :wub:
The Black Capped Chickadee is the state bird of Massachusetts. We would see them everywhere. Now, not so anymore. Oddly enough, Spike lives just four blocks from me and he sees them every day. I haven't seen one in many years. I think it is because of all the pigeons that the residents keep feeding here. We also have six trees just on the block here. And more trees on the property itself. Three are oak and a haven for hundreds of squirrels. Or it seems like it. The acorns are leaving very large dents in the cars that park underneath the oak trees. And these are not your run of the mill second hand cars. I am waiting for a car owner to cut one of the oak trees down in the middle of the night. Bird droppings and dents in fairly new cars. Makes me so glad I don't drive.

I want to see the chickadee birds once again. :angel:
Pretty pic, CG. I love the fall leaves in your yard, and unlike you and Dawg, I had never heard of a Junco before today. :ohmy: I had to look them up. I've also never seen a Cardinal in real life - just online - they are such beautiful birds! :)
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We have a male cardinal who yells at DH if he doesn't fill the feeder at the specified time. He even divebombs him.
Crazy weather here these days...blue sky and puffy white clouds one minute, and this the next. :stuart: Loving it, though. :)


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Cool! Someone off to the right (east? north?) is getting a nice rainfall.

Am I supposed to be able to make out a face in that cloud, or should I quit with the nightly wine? :LOL:
:LOL: CG, my daughters laugh at me because I'm always seeing faces in things - with or without the wine.

That pic was looking west. I was walking my grandson home from school and it clouded up quickly. We barely made it to my driveway when it started pouring. :ermm: :)
Thanks, CG. We had friends who just came back from Paris. This is just so sad.

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