Raw pack chicken (post-canning) - is this too low (picture attached)

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Assistant Cook
Aug 31, 2022
Hi! There is an updated guideline that says to raw pack chicken with 1 1/4 headspace. I did this, but it shrunk alot.....I use air dried organic chicken, I'm afraid that gave me too little natural broth with my raw pack too? Is this safe to eat? See picture attached. The liquid seems about 1/2 way up and the chicken is maybe 3/4 filled in jar (I think it may be a touch lower since it's just pieces poking out).


  • Raw pack chicken.jpg
    Raw pack chicken.jpg
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If liquid is lost during processing, it does not cause the food to spoil, but the food above the liquid may darken and dry. According to the National Center for Home Food Preservation, if the loss is excessive, for example, half of the liquid, refrigerate the jar(s) and use within two to three days.
They look a little above 1/2 in liquid. I'd use them first on the storage shelves. I'd say they are safe. When you use them sniff to be sure. (as you can)
When I canned chicken, I used raw pack and stuffed the jars tightly, no air space except for the 1 inch at the top.

They look a little above 1/2 in liquid. I'd use them first on the storage shelves. I'd say they are safe. When you use them sniff to be sure. (as you can)
When I canned chicken, I used raw pack and stuffed the jars tightly, no air space except for the 1 inch at the top.
Thank you!
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