Recipe Box for IPad

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 12, 2011
I am loving this app. Beautiful interface, copy and paste. I've been putting all my TNT in it, along with so many recipes from DC. The Recipe Box. It is a paid app, but well worth it! I also have Recipe Box (without "the" , which is also a very nice app, but not the same.).
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I'll check it out.

I have been using MacGourmet for IOS because it's the companion product for MacGourmet on the Mac. I like it because when I sync the device in iTunes all my recipes, shopping lists, etc are updated on the mobile device. I don't like it because I can't add to my recipes from the iPad.

Anyone else have a favorite mobile recipe app they like to use?

I have been using The Recipe Box for a while now and I love it. My only complaint is that it does not sync up with my computer or phone. If they add that functionality in then it will be a perfect app.
I like paprika for the iPad. It supports importing from master cook which saved me a lot of typing.


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