Refrigerated eggs

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I also saw one time on FN that if you put the egg in a glass of water you can tell if it is spoiled or not. I can't remember which one is spoiled, but the egg will float or sink. Maybe someone here will remember.
Hope this helps!

Welcome Cresentmoon BTW, Abjcooking your correct! But its if it floats do not eat it! It would be spoiled!:chef:
Should eggs be in the fridg?? I've heard they last longer at room temp. ( I keep mine cold though.)
Thanks guys, I live alone and had a dozen eggs in the fridge for over 2 months. I went out today and bought new ones!
Eggs have a much longer shelf life when stored under refrigeration, I have read somewhere that for every day or so the eggs out kept out of refrigeration, they age the equivalent of a number of days kept in the fridge.

As people have mentioned, fill a glass up with water, whack an egg in there and if it rises, turf it. I have used eggs well passed the date on package (kept under refrigeration as well though) by testing if they were OK first.
Haggis is right, they last a lot longer in the fridge. Room temp degrades them really fast.

They usually last a couple weeks past their expiration date, in my experience.
lindatooo said:
But for most baking recipes cookies anyway, it's a good idea to let them warm a bit before you use them.
I take them out of the fridge and let them set on the counter for about half an hour before using them.
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