As a Scot, I feel well qualified to answer this...
Scotland is probably the Heart Disease capital of the world - or if not, then should be.....
I've heard it said that in Scotland 'anything can be deep fried'... a well balanced meal could consist of deep fried pizza and a deep fried mars bar!
However, I hasten to add, that it is only a minority of the population who eat like that.
We DO like our chip shops though - with fried fish (haddock is the favourite sea fish) and chips (french fries to a lot of you, I think). The deep fried pizza is a fairly new phenomenon - and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The pizzas appear to be the cheapest that can be made.... texture of a polystyrene ceiling tile, smeared with a little tomato paste and a few strings of cheese. These are folded in half, dipped in batter )!) and put into the chip fryer.... BLECH....
Legend has it that the deep fried Mars Bar (also dipped in batter) was 'invented' in Glasgow - and I can believe it... (coming from Edinburgh and with the good natured rivalry between the two cities!).
I had some family over from Aus who had seen the sign in a chip shop 'Deep Fried Mars Bars Sold Here' (and took pictures to take home to raise a laugh about the unhealthy Scots). They weren't game to buy it from the chippy, but asked me to do some. Here's my secret recipe from the one and only time I cooked the 'treat' - and no, I wasn't game to try it :P
Put the Mars Bars in the freezer for 15 minutes or so.
Prepare a plain, coating batter, not too thin.
Roll Mars bar in flour - dunk into the batter until coated... deep fry until the batter is puffed up and golden.
Eat - and listen whilst your arteries harden.