Sensless Murder

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In the Kitchen

Executive Chef
Aug 25, 2004
Here we go again! I know there is headlines about people getting murdered or kidnapped or feeding tubes be stopped, but the stories that get me are when they involve dogs. What do they do? This week some guy walking his dog, made the comment he was going to kill her. Sure enough the next day they found her hanging from her leash on a playground equipment pole. Year old boxer. The guy so dumb he leaves the leash and people identify him as the owner. Now they are trying to prosecute him. He is charged with $10,000 bond or whatever. Then when they show the picture, he is a son of one of the guys I knew when I was younger. Of course, he was the same caliber of individual who would do something like this. 'Apple doesn't fall far from the tree' The week prior they found another dog hanging 8' - 12' off ground and was discovered when some guy was walking his dog. This dog also was young and had moss and tree bark in her mouth which showed she attempted to free herself. What kind of creeps are being allowed to live in our society? The minister states not to judge. What should we do? Sorry for this outburst but people are just not worth the air they breathe. If they can do this to a helpless animal what are they capable of to everyday human beings. Oh, a short comment they executed the guy finally who threw some woman off a bridge just so he could use her car for a robbery. It was in December so you can imagine how she must have felt. I feel like running to the woods and hiding in the cave. Probably will find me hung by a tree. Have a good day and be thankful if you don't have people who are missing a their brain cells.
Poor critters. Should be the law when they catch this kind of guy he should be hung also. And in public view. I feel so sorry for critters that people abuse. But our court system is at fault, they let these brain dead people get off. They say people that are cruel to animals are also the same with people and more often then not the jerks become serial killers.. We live in the northwoods and there are brain dead people here too. So many of them it's hard to live somewhere that is safe anymore. Our problem here is brain dead people from the cities keep moving north.
If someone can kill a poor animal why not a person. I have rescued 2 dogs from who were suffering at the hands of bad owners. There is no need to kill.
True there are lots of idiots and worse out there - a man here recently drug his two dogs tethered to the bumper of his truck nearly killing them both one will be scarred for life and one of our "Jail Blazers" (as I like to call them) admitted to animal cruelty - Dog fighting was suspected and he owned pit bulls. I loathe these bullies and would love to see their own cruelties visited on them.

On the other hand there are so many wonderful people in the world - those who rescue these poor animals, people who go into hospitals and rock babies who are addicted; people who hold the hands of dying strangers and help others every chance they get. Would we appreciate them so much if there weren't the monsters for comparison?

Senseless Murders

Thank you for your input! I applaud all of you for your comments. That is the trouble with people they all stay quiet about something that is right in front of them. They have no real incentive to voice their feelings and let the public know they won't allow this. I have heard it said that people have been lulled into a sense of 'no comment'. Only when it hits home do they want someone else to help. The question is: why not try to prevent this from reoccurring? They always figure let the other guy do it. WE should be the one doing something about it. I have written letters, spoken to different groups and people cannot get stirred up until it is too late. Animals play such an important role. They are like children themselves. So vulnerable and loving. As you stated should be done to the perpatrator themselves. If someone doesn't want their pet they should turn it over to someone who would. There is always someone who could care for the animal and not hang it. It applies to any form of life. Thanks again for speaking out. I respect and admire you for making your comments. Gives me sense of security to make people aware of these useless people. If only one person would take the time to give consideration to their pet. Animals have even saved people's lives. They are not useless, they are valuable.
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Senseless Murder

lindatoo, please make sure you get any nitwit. Make sure you go to someone who feels the same way you do about them. Would be nice. I am sure you can't give them enough love. What a world this would be if that were the case with everyone.
Help! I can't get that image of that poor inncocent creature suffering out of my head


:( Wasabi
These sub-humans who harm animals need to be sentenced to the same fate as their victims. Animals, by nature, are the only living being that does not slaughter their own for the helllllll of it.
Norgeskog, many animals do so.

Grew up in a family with a zoo curator, and lived with many animals and have had to stop that behavior many times by separating the animals.

Fairly high on the evolutionary trail, chimpanzees will kill their own.

Jane Goodall first reported it, and sometimes they will eat their prey and other times not.

As you go down the evolutionary scale it is quite common.

Many animals will kill the young of their species. If a male lion encounters a female with cubs he will kill the cubs and then wait for her to go into heat and then mate with her.

Fish and many reptiles slaughter their kin gladly.

My point is only that many species kill, and eat, their own species with abandon and relish.

Homo sapiens are not alone in the animal world in this type of behavior, unfortunately.

I wish they were.
auntdot said:
Norgeskog, many animals do so.

Grew up in a family with a zoo curator, and lived with many animals and have had to stop that behavior many times by separating the animals.
Fairly high on the evolutionary trail, chimpanzees will kill their own.

to much info, I had always heard that the animal kingdom was more gracious than those higher on the food chain.
Senseless Murder

Irregardless, whether animals do it or not, aren't we supposed to be considered higher than they are? They have been doing this as part of their nature. They follow plan. ARen't we to do the same? To take life for absolutely no good reason, is beyond my comprehension as to WHY? Don't you wonder what the animal thought at the end of his life? They are here to do and please their master. To come to such an end gives me disappointment in my own kind. Abuse of any form should be dealt with on the same level. 'Eye for eye" is quote I would refer to in handling these people. Our society has gotten too lax and we have to pay for it one way or another. Trying to lead normal life is out of the question. Can't make any transaction without wondering if it will come to fruition. People have no conscience anymore. In other words, they are the ones who have become animals. Dropped to lower level. Again I apologize for my personal comments about this act but if no one stands up for them this will be allowed to continue. Please let your voice be heard to someone who can make difference. There is strength in unity.

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