Show Me Your Perfect Breakfast Egg

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Smoked potato hash with eggs


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My Loco Moco Sunday Brunch: Loco Moco, Hawai'ian macaroni salad, tropical fruit bowl, and a white wine spritzer.


Loco Moco - 1/2 cup white rice, hamburger patty, pan gravy, over easy egg.
Dang, I wish I had seen this yesterday. I forgot to break the yolks but it turned into pretty perfect over easies. Our family very often cooked eggs in bacon grease but even as a child I started doing mine separate in butter because I really like the egg taste and don't want it overshadowed or greasy tasting.
I often do my egg on the 'griddler'. Over easy, after the bacon, mushrooms and onions are done. There is a fair amount of bacon fat but I most always add a little bit more of butter. Don't lose the taste of my egg to bacon fat. Appreciate not having to use any extra salt!
Been spoiled over the last four days with breakfast eggs at my brother's. Nothing better than fresh eggs.
Love those sweet chickens :heart::heart::heart:
Other than the traditional country cast iron skillet breakfast recipes that I grew up with I would have to say that a version of Steve Kroll's shakshuka recipe tops the list.

I have to admit that when I make it it's more like an Italian or Mexican version of eggs benedict but it's in the same spirit as the original.
I made my husband his first ever scrambled egg sandwich. It was 2 eggs scrambled with dashes of cream, pepper, and salt with a slice of American cheese melted in while cooking, then placed inside of 2 slices of soft pumpernickel bread slathered with mayonnaise. I put some bacon pieces inside of it. It's not quite like when I was a kid (just scrambled eggs with salt and pepper with mayonnaise inside of white bread) but he really seemed to like it. How anyone can go over 50 years and never have eaten a scrambled egg sandwich is beyond me!
LOL - well, I'm now 79 and can honestly say I have never had a scrambled egg sandwich! :LOL:
I have had a fried egg sandwich, twice, and can honestly say ... meh... just put them on a plate and toast on the side, thank you.

I do, however, love chopped egg or egg salad sandwiches.
LOL - well, I'm now 79 and can honestly say I have never had a scrambled egg sandwich! :LOL:
I have had a fried egg sandwich, twice, and can honestly say ... meh... just put them on a plate and toast on the side, thank you.

I do, however, love chopped egg or egg salad sandwiches.
Well it's kinda a southern US thing. Which is why my Midwestern born and bred husband (I almost wrote bread, LOL) has never had one (his momma ain't southern neither).

How about a sliced tomato sandwich (preferably a big homegrown one) with just the tomato (salt and pepper) on 2 slices of white bread with mayonnaise? Delicious!

I'm with you on the fried egg sandwich. Wasn't impressed. Nor all of the burgers and other things between bread where they top them with a fried egg. Just okay but didn't really belong there, IMO.
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I don't remember ever having a scrambled egg sandwich. I have had omelette sandwiches and hard boiled egg sandwiches, as well as egg salad sandwiches though. I forgot, I have also had fried egg sandwiches and poached egg on toast.
I don't remember ever having a scrambled egg sandwich. I have had omelette sandwiches and hard boiled egg sandwiches, as well as egg salad sandwiches though. I forgot, I have also had fried egg sandwiches and poached egg on toast.
I like egg salad sandwiches. I don't think they are as good as scrambled egg sandwiches, though. It's one of those nostalgia things from my childhood I guess. But hubby was pretty impressed. I think next time I will put it on white bread, though.

I have never had an omelet sandwich. I don't love fried egg sandwiches. I like poached eggs but prefer them in eggs Benedict for the most part.
For me, the choice of what kind of egg sandwich is based mostly on mood and convenience. If I have leftover omelette, that's what it will be. If I have hard boiled eggs or egg salad, that's what it will be. If I feel that I can tolerate tomato and have one, it will probably be the fried egg sandwich with tomato. It's such a delicious, ooey gooey, drippy mess to eat. I break the yolk of the egg while it's cooking, so it isn't outrageously runny. No nostalgia on the scrambled eggs for me. I grew up with a Danish mother who called her style of omelette scrambled eggs. And no white bread in any of my nostalgia either.
For me, the choice of what kind of egg sandwich is based mostly on mood and convenience. If I have leftover omelette, that's what it will be. If I have hard boiled eggs or egg salad, that's what it will be. If I feel that I can tolerate tomato and have one, it will probably be the fried egg sandwich with tomato. It's such a delicious, ooey gooey, drippy mess to eat. I break the yolk of the egg while it's cooking, so it isn't outrageously runny. No nostalgia on the scrambled eggs for me. I grew up with a Danish mother who called her style of omelette scrambled eggs. And no white bread in any of my nostalgia either.
Fair enough on the omelet sandwich. Here in the US, many people don't like the classic style of omelet (omelette in most civilized countries, LOL) and insist it be stuffed with a variety of ingredients. I typically like a stuffed omelet quite well myself. So my scrambled eggs probably resemble your mother's style of omelet(te) quite a bit.

I am not sure I would like tomatoes with eggs. I will have to give it a go sometime and see. I like my tomato sandwiches plain or with bacon and lettuce for the most part (and sometimes turkey, cheese, and avocado).
@Jusa, when you make scrambled eggs, do you whisk the eggs together before they go in the hot pan? Do you scramble them in the pan or are you very gentle with them in the pan?
@Jusa, when you make scrambled eggs, do you whisk the eggs together before they go in the hot pan? Do you scramble them in the pan or are you very gentle with them in the pan?
I whisk mine before they go in the pan and yes, I am very gentle with them. I also detest dry scramble eggs.
I whisk mine before they go in the pan and yes, I am very gentle with them. I also detest dry scramble eggs.
Yeah, that might be like my mum's Danish, "French omelette". An English friend taught me to make scrambled eggs. Put some butter in a sauce pan and heat it. When it's nearly all melted, add some milk. Then add the unbeaten eggs and start fork-whisking, vigorously until they are completely cooked. I quite like them scrambled that way, but the clean up is usually a bugger. There is a layer of cooked on eggs that needs hard scrubbing to get off.
Exactly. I have always done my eggs this way and I don't think I would like the messy method much.
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