Sinking flourless chocolate cake

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Little Miss J

Senior Cook
Jul 10, 2005
South Australia, Australia
this is probably a silly question but are all flourless chocolate cakes meant to sink in the middle...i have tried a couple of different recipes now and they all sink in the middle...

am i doing something wrong or are they meant to do this they still taste nice and get a positive reaction :ROFLMAO: . but they just dont look as nice.

Why don't you post your recipe and let us take a look at it? I've made a few, and they don't sink, so I'd like to compare ingredients with the one you're using.

And I'm assuming your oven is correct temp, also?
I think they're supposed to sink. How was the taste & texture? I have several recipes for it but haven't made one yet.
My favourite is this one. The texture is very smooth, sort of mouse-ish. Very rich though - you only need a tiny piece. They taste nice but when I make them they just dont look quite right!

Yep have tested oven and is correct temperature

This is my favourite tasting one

1/2 C soft brown sugar
6 eggs
400g dark chocolate
1 T Grand Marnier
1 t ground cinnamon
300ml double thick cream, + extra to serve

Preheat oven to 180 degree celcius. Grease 23cm round cake tin and line with baking paper. Beat sugar and eggs until creamy.

Melt chocolate. Mix Grand Marnier, cinnamon, egg mixture and chocolate in a bowl and mix together. Stir in the cream very gently by hand 2-3 times and then fold into the chocolate.

Bake for 1 hour, cool in tin then turn onto a rack when cold.
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