Smoked Cod

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2002
Edmonton, Alberta
I noticed jabbur is having cod for dinner and that sparked something in my brain. My smoker is now visible (snow has melted enough now) so I'm starting to think about smoking stuff. I've only done salmon and jerky to date in my smoker. I LOVE smoked cod, but wonder if I need to do anything different than I would for salmon? Does anyone know?
I noticed jabbur is having cod for dinner and that sparked something in my brain. My smoker is now visible (snow has melted enough now) so I'm starting to think about smoking stuff. I've only done salmon and jerky to date in my smoker. I LOVE smoked cod, but wonder if I need to do anything different than I would for salmon? Does anyone know?

I have no idea and want to read replies. Do you do much smoking? Hot? Cold?
Cold only. I have a little smoker and I love it! I'm not very proficient yet, but I'm practicing! I could eat smoked fish all day everyday so I figured I'd better get good at making it myself.

I generally use a mixture of alder and maple chips which gives me the flavor I want. (I'm supposed to be getting a pile of apple chips from a buddy but he hasn't come through yet)

I am still hoping someone will post here about cod. I know its not as popular a fish these days, but still...SOMEONE must have tried this.
I'd really like more info on smoking fish too. I do lots of beef, pork, and chicken. This sounds like something I need to try.

Since this is a subject that interests me, a lot, I did some googling. It led me where I should have looked right away - a Danish forum that I have joined, but not yet participated in:

The recommendations for cold smoking cod:
  • filet the fish
  • cover in salt, not brine, until the flesh is firm, not until hard
  • rinse off the salt, dry the fish, let it air dry
  • smoke at less than 20C
  • smoke 12-18 hours, test for doneness by texture and tasting

If you want to read the thread, it's here: • Vis emne - kold røget torsk

Google Translate does a weird job, but some of it made sense. (you can paste the URL)

Everywhere it refers to "soil", "hummus", or some strange word with "smuld" as part of the word it means sawdust.
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That sounds more like making gravlox (sp?) than smoking. I think if you smoked something for 12-18 hours it would be like shoe leather. My plan was slightly different but I might adapt.

Soak filets in brine for 4-6 hours.
Pat dry and allow to form pellicle (will cod do this?)
Smoke with 80/20 alder/maple for about 6-8 hours

If I pack in salt instead of brine will I impact the moisture level of the fish?
Does the salt pack impact the length of time in the smoker?

Anyone? Come on, I know there are some veteran smokers out there who could weigh in a bit. I'm willing to experiment, but would really like some feedback.
Hmmm. Thanks Andy. I've not done my salmon that way. Maybe I'll try the salt/sugar pack and press and THEN smoke.

I still think 12-18 hours would be too long though. Perhaps that is dependant on how thick the filets are?
That sounds more like making gravlox (sp?) than smoking. I think if you smoked something for 12-18 hours it would be like shoe leather. My plan was slightly different but I might adapt.

Soak filets in brine for 4-6 hours.
Pat dry and allow to form pellicle (will cod do this?)
Smoke with 80/20 alder/maple for about 6-8 hours

If I pack in salt instead of brine will I impact the moisture level of the fish?
Does the salt pack impact the length of time in the smoker?

Anyone? Come on, I know there are some veteran smokers out there who could weigh in a bit. I'm willing to experiment, but would really like some feedback.

They were very specific about not using brine for cod unless you have a huge chunk, but admitted it was a question of taste. Salting should firm up the cod. Recommended salting time was ~6 hours for a 2 kg cod (before filleting), with approximately four handfuls of coarse salt. Check the texture/springiness of the fish at regular intervals. Press the cod with your finger to test the springiness of the flesh. It doesn't need as long of salting as salmon or trout, because it isn't nearly as fatty.

Gravet would take several days and likely also include sugar, herbs, and something acidic.

I misread the amount of smoking time. Test after 6 hours. It could go a lot longer, it depends on the thickness of the fish and the smoker.

The original poster salted for 6 hours and put it in the smoker at 19h and took it out early in the morning. It still looked quite soft (the slices, specifically) in the pictures he posted.

Pix here: • Vis emne - kold røget torsk
I saw the pix. Thanks taxlady. I'll try the Google Translate when I get home. I'm at work right now and for some unknown reason this computer chooses to freeze everytime I try to Google anything. It will let me Bing, but not Google. Weird.

So, salt for 6 hours, then likely smoke for 6-8. I am not sure what size filet I'll be getting. My daughter works at a store where they have the freshest fish, I love it. We'll be over there Sunday. I've got a couple of days to plan still.
HEB had wild caught Alaskan cod in the market today. I asked the monger to give me 3 pounds of thick fillets. I've salted them ( a little) and getting ready to put them on the smoker.

More pics later....



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HEB had wild caught Alaskan cod in the market today. I asked the monger to give me 3 pounds of thick fillets. I've salted them ( a little) and getting ready to put them on the smoker.

More pics later....



Are you hot or cold smoking them? What's "HEB"?
taxlady said:

Are you hot or cold smoking them? What's "HEB"?

Heb is one of the grocery chains in south Texas. My Traeger's lowest setting is 185. That's a little too hot for cold smoking, but the best I can manage for now. I plan to adjust the cooking time down a bit.

After a couple hours salt time in the fridge, the fillets are firm and lost a little moisture. Here are th filets going into the smoker. Planning on a 3 - 4 hours run time.



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After 3 hours at 185, the fillets are coming off the smoker. They have a golden color from the smoke and are tender and flakes apart. Some clear juices remain inside. Planning a fried rice with some for supper tonight.



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OK, 3 hours in a warm estimate of 6-8 is likely close. What kind of wood did you use .40?
Alix said:
OK, 3 hours in a warm estimate of 6-8 is likely close. What kind of wood did you use .40?

Oak is all I had on hand. It's much milder than hickory or mesquite.

Zhizara said:
Beautiful, .40. Nice looking thick fillets.

Thank you! :)


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