I cook at 225 until it reaches 190-200 then wrap in foil and heavy towel then drop into a cooler for at least an hour before chopping/pulling, bone pulls out 99% clean, I pull it apart to where its a bunch of fist sized pieces then just chop it up and pic out the waste/fat. Some of the more fatty areas I may do a little more pulling than chopping.
Too low and slow for me..on most pits. If I was a gauge watcher I would attempt to dial in 260-275 or so for a nekked butt. Would quit cooking when the bone came out easy then follow the good wrapping advice dispensed above. It dont bother me a bit to let one swelter half a day wrapped and in the hot box. Now if somebody is cooking on a fancy commercial pit or something..I can go much lower on the temp. All depends on the airflow and moisture content of the pit environment.