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Nov 22, 2009
Chesapeake Bay
I will be coming into some squirrels this week as a friend and his son had a successful day.

I plan on doing them on the grill some how, not sure yet.

Anyone have any tips, suggestions or recipes they would like to share?
Is squirrel a good wild meat? What's it taste like?
I've often thought that if times got tough, squirrel would be a plentiful meat source
and probably fairly easy to bag....
Not that I'd be thrilled with cleaning them LOLOL!
Never had it... something new and different.

I am looking forward to the adventure.

And I have an agreement.. he shoots it, cleans it and I cook it. We split.
I've had squirrel many times. My uncle always made jambalaya and red-eye gravy to go with it.

By the way it tastes kinda.....wait for it....



I can't say from experience, but have been told that red squirrel isn't that great because it is an omnivore and eats everything. It can get pretty gamey. Grey and black squirrels are more herbivores and so are milder in flavor. But still... I know that rabbit and grouse are herbivores as well. And depending on what kind of woodland I get them in, they can be very mild, but flavorful, or very gamey, especially if they've been feeding on pine of any kind. Fortunately for me, I don't mind that "wild" taste. Just remember that squirrels are all fur, with a little meat on them. They also run and climb and jump all the time, which means well exercised muscles. I'd think stewing, or cooking over a slow fire with lots of basting might help. Let us know how you prepare them, and how they turn out.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Rocket J. Squirrel just Unfriended you on Facebook...on the plus side Boris and Natasha think you are GREAT!
Natasha is hot! She could probably cook a mean squirrel barbecue. Moose, too.

I've chased squirrels as a kid, never ate them, am curious now thanks to Frank's post...
Bacon Wrapped Squirrel
squirrel legs, front or rear, amount depends upon how hungry you are
garlic powder
minced onion
hickory smoked bacon
Soak the legs in beer for 2 – 3 hours. Remove and drain.
Sprinkle to taste with garlic powder, pepper, salt and the minced onion.
Wrap each leg with bacon.
Place on hot grill. Cook over medium heat until cooked through.
Serve with your favorite sides.
My cup runneth over in anticipation. :ermm:

I promised to try anything but rabbit...because...it's rabbit...bunnies! They are too cute!.....but then...so are squirrels....:shock:


My cup runneth over in anticipation. :ermm:

I promised to try anything but rabbit...because...it's rabbit...bunnies! They are too cute!.....but then...so are squirrels....:shock:



And as I understand it you will get your own for your very self.

Don't even have to share..
Wait till he force-feeds you some collagenous squirrel ears, charred of its cutey, KA, share is as share gets. Let us know how it tastes, because I don't believe my P.Fiona that bacon solves everything either.
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