Strictly a hobby...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Able Hands

Assistant Cook
May 15, 2009
Garner, NC
When I was in my 20's I hated the mere thought of cooking, ANYTHING!!

As I've gotten older I love going on the computer, and then into the kitchen to "experiment". Granted I am not good enough to make my own recipes, but I really enjoy others hard work, so thank you to all of you that are smart enough to know how to create wonderful dishes.

I have way more questions than answers, so I certainly won't have much to offer any time soon, but every now and then I may offer a nugget of uselessness for you to digest.


If something turns out great then let us know. If it turns out bad then let us know. I have learned many more truths about cooking from my failures because I know what NOT to do. Every time that someone says that tasted great I wonder what I did right and how I can do better. When someone says that tasted awful then I generally know what not to do next time.
Welcome Matt:)
We love sharing recipes with others..It's nice to know if you liked it or if it wasn't your thing...Ask all the questions you want to and we will try to answer..Helping others is why we are here. So again WELCOME and ENJOY
Welcome Aboard! There are some awefully good cooks here and some talented chefs. We probably all learned to cook the same way. The one thing I learned over the years is it is very difficult for me to cook when i do not want to. I take out or eat cereal for dinner on those rare days.
Hi Matt, Welcome to DC. Whether you cook for a hobby, as a business or just to put food on the table, this is a great place to talk about it, share ideas and ask questions. Stay awhile, I know you will enjoy it!
Thanks for the welcome everyone.

Is there a rank below "Assistant Cook" (under my name on posts)? Perhaps bus-boy, or floor sweeper is more fitting for someone of my talent?
LOL We all have felt like that at one time or another Matt.
Don't be afraid to try anything in the kitchen. That's how you learn and how you find some great ideas for a dish.
I have fun cooking and, for me, that's what counts.

I am an eternity away from thinking I can call myself a cook. Cooking a new recipe is the most fun. And if it turns out, I feel killer. If it turns out to be crap on a cracker... I try to think about what I messed up or what I change next time.. Then I do a bunch of reading and try to figure it out.

Thanks for making me feel welcome.


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