Sunday, September 24, 2023 - Another Football Sunday! What is for dinner?

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
For dinner, we had leftover stuffed peppers. However earlier, I had a request for "something to eat while watching the game. So brownies and bacon. The bacon was used in BLTs, but I have to share the served up brownie!

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Dinner – NY strip steak pan-fried in butter (splash of Maggi seasoning sauce on service), and a salad (baby spring mix, baby rocket, and daikon radish sprouts). Simple vinaigrette (red wine vinegar, oil, and house blend seasoning). I love the flavor of steak with Maggi and vinaigrette dressing.



We only stream of video entertainment and don't like to pay for any of it, so... no football on here.


Dinner was whole wheat Penne pasta, topped with sautéed Sweet Italian Sausage, a boatload of Garlic, freshly grated Nutmeg, Sweet White Onions, a splash of White Wine and Trader Joe's mixed Baby Kale - AH YUM!!!
I purposely made an extra serving for my breakfast tomorrow.
Today's fail was that Copy Me That was down when I was about to try making a new-to-me recipe. So, we ordered out. DH had a pepperoni pizza and I had a Caesar salad with chicken. DH really enjoyed the pizza. I was disappointed with my salad. It was okay. But, I was expecting better from this particular resto.
Today's fail was that Copy Me That was down when I was about to try making a new-to-me recipe. So, we ordered out. DH had a pepperoni pizza and I had a Caesar salad with chicken. DH really enjoyed the pizza. I was disappointed with my salad. It was okay. But, I was expecting better from this particular resto.
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