The Thankfulness Club

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
My Generac Generator - best investment I ever made.

It comes on by itself when the power goes out and turns itself off when the power comes back. Keeps my freezers going, my sump pump, the well, not to mention I have TV and my computer. :)

Had sporadic power all morning and finally went out around 11 am. It is now 2 am and still no power. 15 hours now without.

Heading for bed, sure hopes it comes on before morning.
Tornado Warning

Also forgot to mention that my cell phone kept clamouring about an imminent tornado. Went from dead calm, to a wind, to very windy (nothing horrendous), withing minutes.
Could not wind down the patio umbrella due to the vines. :rolleyes:

Then a thunder storm and that was the end of it! :lucky::D

Well, aside from the previously mentioned power loss.
Also forgot to mention that my cell phone kept clamouring about an imminent tornado. Went from dead calm, to a wind, to very windy (nothing horrendous), withing minutes.
Could not wind down the patio umbrella due to the vines. :rolleyes:

Then a thunder storm and that was the end of it! :lucky::D

Well, aside from the previously mentioned power loss.
I was lucky. We had the storm, but didn't lose power. It was fairly impressive in Montreal. A number of people were injured by flying branches and a construction worker was injured by a flying 2"x4". At least one house had its roof blown off.
The pile of dirty dishes that are waiting for me, along with a dishwasher full of more dirty dishes. So many dishes to wash!

I thought of putting this in the "What are you doing thread?", since I have to wash them all either by hand or machine. However, I'm very thankful that we have an abundance of food to prepare and eat, I have the energy and equipment to prepare our meals, and we enjoy good health that lets us eat just about anything. For that, I consider myself blessed to have a mountain of dirty dishes that need my attention.
The pile of dirty dishes that are waiting for me, along with a dishwasher full of more dirty dishes. So many dishes to wash!

I thought of putting this in the "What are you doing thread?", since I have to wash them all either by hand or machine. However, I'm very thankful that we have an abundance of food to prepare and eat, I have the energy and equipment to prepare our meals, and we enjoy good health that lets us eat just about anything. For that, I consider myself blessed to have a mountain of dirty dishes that need my attention.
I like your attitude.
The pile of dirty dishes that are waiting for me, along with a dishwasher full of more dirty dishes. So many dishes to wash!

I thought of putting this in the "What are you doing thread?", since I have to wash them all either by hand or machine. However, I'm very thankful that we have an abundance of food to prepare and eat, I have the energy and equipment to prepare our meals, and we enjoy good health that lets us eat just about anything. For that, I consider myself blessed to have a mountain of dirty dishes that need my attention.

CG, I have my heavy-duty Platex Gloves on, ready to help !!
Thanks, ladies. I've been trying harder lately to listen to the :angel: on my right shoulder and not the :devilish: on my left. There is so much anger and negative energy out there right now, I'm just trying to think more positively. When it comes to solving life's problems, I figure it's probably a good idea to clean things up in my own house first.

Oh, speaking of clean - the dishes are done, dried, and back in their places. Their correct places, since Himself didn't have the chance to hide anything on me. :LOL:
I am grateful that God has allowed me to adjust so well to the loss of my leg. I am making great progress in acceptance. Considering how much gangrene was in my leg, I could be right now a permanent resident at Woodlawn Cemetery.

I am also grateful for my social worker, Amanda. She knows exactly what to say to me whenever I have a down day. Her best advice was so true. "You have lost a major part of your body. A part you have never question how important it is to you. Losing a major part of your body is like facing death of a limb. Cry. Cry as hard as you want to. Cry as long as you need to. Mourn the loss."

Today I concentrate on learning how to do everything around the house that I used to take for granted. Like standing on one leg while washing the dishes. It is not easy. But at least I am trying. I don't get frustrated. I just get mad when I screw up and try to do better. And I think I have shed all the tears I am going to for now. I think I have made great progress. I can wash all the floors with the mop and a bucket of water. I also can run through the apartment with the dust mop. Still can't use the broom or pick up a pile of dirt and dust with the dust pan. Every time I bend over to pick something up that I dropped, I am so afraid I am going to fall out of my wheelchair.

More than anything though, I am so grateful for having Pirate here. He protects me from all the residents who can't mind their own business. And he doesn't allow me to feel sorry for myself for very long. If I didn't have him here, I would have had to go to a facility to learn how to do all the things I need to know.
No more "Grrrr"

Some of you may have seen my rant in the "Petty Vents" thread. Well, things got cleared up quite nicely tonight. I had sent a rather restrained message to my sis-in-law through Facebook Friday morning, but she just had the chance to give me a call tonight. They had been in FL spending time with their daughter for most of August and half of September. Just a couple of weeks home, then off to OH to visit his brothers and attend the wedding of one of their nieces. When they got back in mid-October, they offhandedly mentioned to their neighbor, who is a realtor, that they were thinking of selling their house. My BIL had just told my SIL that he really didn't want to go through another winter up here even though they really hadn't planned on moving until sometime next year. ("Next year" has been my plan, too, but it's been like that for the last four years...) They, however, decided to do it now...and promptly spent a week doing all the decluttering and last minute things before a house goes on the market. Needless to say, their SUV knows the way between their house and the local Salvation Army. :LOL:

They signed paperwork to list their house on the night of Thursday, Oct. 25th, with the listing hitting MLS the next day. By noon on Friday the 26th, they had an appointment for a showing. Before the agent had a chance to bring that couple around on Friday night, she had a second request for a look-see on Sunday. By the time Friday night's couple had left, they had decided to put a bid in on the house...for the full asking price! Needless to say, my SIL and her hubby accepted the offer. And then panic set in, because the buyers wanted to take occupancy in 30 days! They thought they would have a few months to do a search for a new house, in a new state (they plan on relocating to Charlotte, NC, halfway between their Orlando daughter and us) and now they have to find a house in a month? :ohmy: Well, they got an extra two weeks from the buyers, but they have to evacuate by 11-14. :wacko: After a few hectic days between listing and leaving for NC, they had no time to warn us. They got to Charlotte on Wednesday and have been on a whirlwind mission to find a new place NOW! If not, time to find a rental and do the dreaded two-move method. They've been there, done that...don't want to do it again.

So we're good. Yay! For all of my bitchiness, I could not for the life of me think of what terrible thing I had done to make my SIL slink out of town. Surprise, I didn't mess up! :LOL: We're good, we plan on doing Thanksgiving our house, since all of their big pots and pans are already packed up. :LOL:
Thanks, taxy, I'm glad, too. She and I have been friends since 1966, sophomore year of high school. For about seven years we used to kid about how Himself would never get married. Then, when he moved back to Cleveland after college, we started to date. We were talking marriage less than a month later. After all we each knew the other's faults. Had to get married to find out all of the good things. :heart:

...Well, they got an extra two weeks from the buyers, but they have to evacuate by 11-14...
Make that 12-14! Unless they fall in love with, bid on, and buy a house down in Charlotte in the next three days, they won't even be back up here to hire a mover by November 14th. :LOL:
Still thankful anyhow...


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Just doing a quick check in from our cruise. There's so much to be thankful for. Right now we're in the middle of the Pacific, heading back to North Amercia. The Hawaiian Islands were as beautiful and magical as ever. What's not to love? We will make a stop in Ensenada Mexico before ending up at our home port in LA on Monday.
The seas have been ok for the most part with a couple of exceptions like last night when we really were rocking and rolling. I'm very thankful for Bonine (sp?) as it sure does the trick. Lots to do on the ship and we love the idea of never having to deal with an airplane...what a pleasure after all the flying we've done.
Off to have a wonderful lunch served to us...
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