The "what are you listening to now" thread

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Frankie looks like a total boss here with his low cut man blouse and gold chain -- attacking the microphone. I played this on the TV, and my wife said the drummer is cute (Gerry Polci).

After seeing this video, I realized wow those are young guys -- not the original Four Seasons. So I researched the new group. Don Ciccone, one of them, was in The Critters (a band that came about 7 years before I was born). So then I had to listen to The Critters. This song's cool -- so 1960's folk rockish.

Another Four Seasons song featuring my wife's cute drummer on lead vocals.
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Peter Frampton from his Live in Detroit DVD. I have the DVD, but here is a clip from YouTube. If all you know about Peter Frampton is his Frampton Comes Alive album from 1976, he didn't die after that. He has short, gray hair now, but can still make a Les Paul sing.

The "what are you listening to now" thread

Yeah, Peter Frampton, he’s still got it. He’ll be performing in LA at the Forum later this year.
I saw him in concert back in 1976 or 77 at Anaheim Stadium. Gary Wright and Yes also performed that evening. Great concert.
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I'm just rocking out with this version of Dark Star with Crosby Still and Nash. Make sure to turn it UP!

Probably the best live concert I went to is CSN in a field, no seats, and BYOB. It was in Dallas, and it was David Crosby's first appearance here since he got busted in Dallas. He had a sense of humor about it, but you could tell he was still a bit pissed off. But, he certainly didn't hesitate from giving us a great show.

I have one of their more recent concerts on DVD. Good stuff.
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