This Weekend...

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Bob In Fla.

Head Chef
Oct 26, 2008
O-Town, Florida

L to R, top to bottom...Ball Tip, Beefy Dino Bones, Pork Butt, Corn, Pork Butt







That's what happens when you keep the door open to take pictures... :roll:




Prime Rib on a Stick. Thermapen included for size reference. ;) They were just over a pound each before smoking. :cool:



Ball-Tip. Just slightly dry. Slightly! Great in a sandwich. Dry is the reason BBQ sauce was invented, adds a little moisture on the sandwich. ;)



Ready to make dessert.

Butts are still on, they went on about an hour before the ribs and ball-tip were done. I think the corn evaporated or something. :LOL:

These are stalled @ 165 for one and 175ish for the other. No foil, even if I have to wait 'til the 4th. :? :roll: ;) :LOL:

Color (so far) was from apple wood, peach wood, Duke's Dirt and Montreal Steak Seasoning. Nuttin else. (for the previous post)

The Butts had Duke's Dirt and Stump's Smoker's Classic Rub. No sauces, no binders, no yallar gunk. The moisture in the meat holds it all on. :eek: :shock: ;)

Butts are stalled @ 165 and 178ish. Not going to foil, even if it takes 'til the 4th. :LOL:




Believe you outdone yourself there mi amigo. I will take a couple of them prime ribs on a stick and a piece of wonder bread. Yum yum.
good looking stuff just put on a 14 pound turkey and a chuck roast corn, potatoes and pictures to follow
Captain Morgan said:
the steak sticks look great, but what's a ball tip?
That's what is on the package from Restaurant Depot. I think it might be sowhere near the sirloin tip, but that's just a guess. They come in a package, about 25 pounds containing 6 to 12 roasts. It's several muscles like the tri-tip, but tougher than tri-tip, and unlike the tri-tip, I can get the ball tips all the time. :? ;) I usually cook them hotter than I did this time, and they usually aren't as dry.

Thanky kindly.

No, the thermapen matches the Stump's Smoker that I won. My only cost (for the Smoker) was for the gasoline to travel to Centerville, Georgia and back to pick it up. :LOL:

and Thermoworks has data proving that the pink thermapens are, in fact, almost twice as fast as the others.
I'm going to Bobs house. Everything looks great. I passed on the ball tips and am waiting to once again see tri tip at res depot.
bbquzz said:
Great spread Bob, what will you do for an encore over the 4th :mrgreen:
Leftovers. :oops: :roll: ;)

Actually, I'm going to my brother-in-law's to eat what he's cooking. He's a great cook in the kitchen, but he's just getting started using fire. We shall see...

Bob In Fla. said:
Thanky kindly.

No, the thermapen matches the Stump's Smoker that I won. My only cost (for the Smoker) was for the gasoline to travel to Centerville, Georgia and back to pick it up. :LOL:

and Thermoworks has data proving that the pink thermapens are, in fact, almost twice as fast as the others.

Thats a bunch of hoey! Recent studies show the red is the fastest pen west of California.
Na-a-a-a-h! Why do you think they made the British RACING Green one? To be the fastest, of course!
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