Thursday 2023 March 16, what's for supper?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
What did you have for supper?

We had sausages, hot Italian and roasted onion, for supper. I served that with some store bought cheese tortellini with a garlic-anchovy-white wine-pesto-cream sauce. That sauce works really well, especially when I can't have tomato. There was also a leafy salad with the last of the blue cheese dressing turned into a vinaigrette by the addition of garlic powder, EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil), and apple cider vinegar. Lots of leftover sausage. That was yummy.


  • Roasted onion and Italian sausages.jpg
    Roasted onion and Italian sausages.jpg
    158.9 KB · Views: 28
  • Roasted sauasages, tortlellini with garlic-anchovy-pesto cream sauce, leafy salad.jpg
    Roasted sauasages, tortlellini with garlic-anchovy-pesto cream sauce, leafy salad.jpg
    167.6 KB · Views: 26
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Ok, this is going wayyy too far for St. Paddy's Day IMO.

We went through the drive thru and asked for a dozen glazed at Krispy Kreme. The box was decorated for the day, but they didn't say the doughnuts were too. We got home opened the box and were surprised with 12 green doughnuts. They are green all the way through.

After we picked up the green doughnuts, we went to a diner for lunch. Craig had a meatloaf sandwich on brioche. There were 2 thick slices, almost 4 inches thick. I had a Philly cheesesteak, no green bell peppers. We each took half home so that was dinner.
Ok, this is going wayyy too far for St. Paddy's Day IMO.
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We went through the drive thru and asked for a dozen glazed at Krispy Kreme. The box was decorated for the day, but they didn't say the doughnuts were too. We got home opened the box and were surprised with 12 green doughnuts. They are green all the way through.

After we picked up the green doughnuts, we went to a diner for lunch. Craig had a meatloaf sandwich on brioche. There were 2 thick slices, almost 4 inches thick. I had a Philly cheesesteak, no green bell peppers. We each took half home so that was dinner.
Looks kinda unappetizing.
Sooo...we've not had dinner...yet! But it is just past 5PM and we usually eat around 7PM. I've got those earlier mentioned pork chops in the sous vide. I'll likely finish them on the gas grill. We'll have pan roasted asparagus and oven roasted baby Yukon Gold taters, tossed in OO and parm. It'll work...tomorrow is an easy meal, with corned beef and all the usual suspects too...but I need to start pickling a roast for Sauerbraten as they had ginger snaps on sale and I promised DH to use them for that and he's starting to get that impatient does take a week...
When I worked in downtown Cleveland, we would have St. Paddy's Day lunch at a nearby Irish restaurant, Pat O'Toole's. If it was light colored enough to dye green, they did: beer, mashed potatoes, French fries... I usually ordered salad. :LOL:

We did dinner and a movie - Ratatouille. Made BBQ pork sandwiches with the leftover pork, baked beans, potato salad, and pickles - dill for Himself, bread and butter for me.

Meal salad: black beans and onions in a vinegar S&P with romaine and leaf lettuce, tomatoes, yellow and green bell peppers, red beans, broccoli trees and stems diced, whole wheat berries, pickles. I've been craving salad since I had some dental work done, and mmmm it is so good!
Sooo...we've not had dinner...yet! But it is just past 5PM and we usually eat around 7PM. I've got those earlier mentioned pork chops in the sous vide. I'll likely finish them on the gas grill. We'll have pan roasted asparagus and oven roasted baby Yukon Gold taters, tossed in OO and parm. It'll work...tomorrow is an easy meal, with corned beef and all the usual suspects too...but I need to start pickling a roast for Sauerbraten as they had ginger snaps on sale and I promised DH to use them for that and he's starting to get that impatient does take a week...
IMG_7141 (2).jpg
I've never had particularly good luck making sauerbraten. Care to share your recipe?
..but I need to start pickling a roast for Sauerbraten as they had ginger snaps on sale and I promised DH to use them for that and he's starting to get that impatient does take a week...

Craig loves sauerbraten, not so much me. Don't know what Ginny uses, but we use The Frugel Gourmet's recipe as Craig says it's almost exactly like his German oma made. We serve German red cabbage and Craig prefers huge potato dumplings with a stuffing made from celery, onions and bread cubes sauteed in butter. They are like lead sinkers to me, but he likes them and slices up leftovers to fry in butter for breakfast. I usually make spatzle for me, though he'll eat some of that too.
I've never had particularly good luck making sauerbraten. Care to share your recipe?
Like @medtran49, I use Jeff Smith's recipe...and his Red Cabbage recipe too! I found one to put on CMT site and here's a link (Including my edits): Frugal Gormet Pickled Beef Roast

If you make it, let me know your thoughts. OOOPS, forgive typon in "link"...
Like @medtran49, I use Jeff Smith's recipe...and his Red Cabbage recipe too! I found one to put on CMT site and here's a link (Including my edits): Frugal Gormet Pickled Beef Roast

If you make it, let me know your thoughts. OOOPS, forgive typon in "link"...

Too bad we don't live closer. Our hubs could pig out on sauerbraten and red cabbage together. Maybe we could even ship them off to a hotel for the aftermath. :mrgreen:

We use his red cabbage recipe too. His spatzle recipe as well, though I think it's under another country's chapter, maybe Hungary.
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Too bad we don't live closer. Our hubs could pig out on sauerbraten and red cabbage together. Maybe we could even ship them off to a hotel for the aftermath. :mrgreen:

We use his red cabbage recipe too. His spatzle recipe as well, though I think it's under another country's chapter, maybe Hungary.
My DH suffers from colitis, among other stuff...and he says even water gives him gas. (Shhhh...I think it is true!!)
Like @medtran49, I use Jeff Smith's recipe...and his Red Cabbage recipe too! I found one to put on CMT site and here's a link (Including my edits): Frugal Gormet Pickled Beef Roast

If you make it, let me know your thoughts. OOOPS, forgive typon in "link"...
Your notes don't show. If you want to see what a recipe in CMT looks like to other people, try opening the link in a private window / incognito window. All I see is the list of ingredients and a link to the directions.


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