Thursday's Kitchen - 12/3

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
The chilly breath of winter was felt today.... just a hint, but a portent.......
So, Time to soup up the freezer.......
From the "Which Came First" Dept,-
Egg Salad Sandwich on a Burger Roll with Garlic Chips, and Chicken Vegetable Soup ...

Sandwich, Egg Salad- Garlic Chips.jpg

Soup, Chicken Veg.jpg
I made a country omelette with feta and scallions. I served it with a kamut bread toast, that has almonds and sunflower seeds.
Salad - Spring mix greens, tomato, black olives, sliced mushroom, hard-boiled egg and rotisserie chicken. Dressed with Ken's Zesty Italian.

SO's birthday today. She requested her favorite meal, stuffed flank steak, baked potato and green beans.


I figured since she provided dinner for my birthday I'd return the favor.
Happy Birthday Andy's SO !

SO here made a pot of homemade chicken soup with homemade stock. It's the stock that makes this soup smell and taste so good.
Happy birthday to your SO, Andy!

I made a pot of chicken barley stew, except it had more stock than usual. Still not loose enough to call it a soup, though.
Add my Happy Birthday to Andy's SO. :)

Had D&SIL over for dinner.

I air fried bacon wrapped filet mignons. Served with baked potatoes, asparagus, a baby greens salad and garlic puffs.

Too late and too full for dessert so, the chocolate pie will be enjoyed tonight (Friday).

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