Trivia 1/25

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 1/25
If all the tracks in the NYC subway system were laid out in one line, that
track would run from NYC to Chicago.

1. If you heard someone described as being "puckish", what would you expect
them to be like?
2. Fill in the Blank ;
Oxygen is the _______ element on the periodic table. (Looking for a number)
3. Who played the role of Miguel Álvarez in the 1993 award-winning film
4. In Australia, what is known as "the race that stops a nation"?
5. What animal's scientific name is Ursus maritimus?
6. The Agatha Christie work, 'And Then There Were None' is known by another
title as well; what is it ?
7. Which reindeer doesn't get mentioned in 'The Night Before Christmas'?
8. To what country must I travel to climb the Matterhorn ?

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, joined the Union Army
during the Civil War, but deserted after just two weeks of active duty.
1. Annoyingly Playful
2. - 8th
3. Antonio Banderas
4. the Melbourne Cup
5. Polar Bear
6. 'Ten Little Indians'
7. Rudolph
8. Switzerland

The facts are there, except for one ; He joined the Confederate Army, only
to desert after just two weeks.
He escaped to California.
All of his life, he suffered criticism for his desertion, from veterans of
both sides.

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