Chef Extraordinaire
trivia 3/7
Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of unwanted people without killing
them used to burn their houses down -- hence the expression "to get fired".
1. Where Am I ?
I am an ancient South American city ; I was once considered lost ; My name means “old mountain” ; Hiram Bingham rediscovered me in 1911 ; You can find me in Peru.
2. Fill in the blank;
Some years before becoming President of the USA, _______ _______ killed a man in a duel.
3. Who was the first Performer to turn down a Grammy ?
4. What food manufacturer's name combines the first three letters of two State names ?
5. An estimated 63% of all the red meat consumed world-wide each year comes from what animal ?
6. What animal has the strongest bite of any known living creature ?
7. What national organization's Honor Society is known as the Order of the Arrow ?
8. How old was Martin Luther King when he was assassinated ?
When it went into business in 1860, the Pony Express charged $5 to carry a half-ounce letter from Missouri to California.
1. I'm at Machu Picchu
2. Andrew Jackson
3. Sinead O'Connor
4. Ore - Ida Potato Products, from OREgon and IDAho
5. the goat
6. the Great White Shark
7. the Boy Scouts of America
8. 39
That would be about $90 in today's dollars. The price was later cut to $1.
Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of unwanted people without killing
them used to burn their houses down -- hence the expression "to get fired".
1. Where Am I ?
I am an ancient South American city ; I was once considered lost ; My name means “old mountain” ; Hiram Bingham rediscovered me in 1911 ; You can find me in Peru.
2. Fill in the blank;
Some years before becoming President of the USA, _______ _______ killed a man in a duel.
3. Who was the first Performer to turn down a Grammy ?
4. What food manufacturer's name combines the first three letters of two State names ?
5. An estimated 63% of all the red meat consumed world-wide each year comes from what animal ?
6. What animal has the strongest bite of any known living creature ?
7. What national organization's Honor Society is known as the Order of the Arrow ?
8. How old was Martin Luther King when he was assassinated ?
When it went into business in 1860, the Pony Express charged $5 to carry a half-ounce letter from Missouri to California.
1. I'm at Machu Picchu
2. Andrew Jackson
3. Sinead O'Connor
4. Ore - Ida Potato Products, from OREgon and IDAho
5. the goat
6. the Great White Shark
7. the Boy Scouts of America
8. 39
That would be about $90 in today's dollars. The price was later cut to $1.