Chef Extraordinaire
trivia 5/24
Animation artists love inside jokes. In the Disney film Beauty and the Beast (1991), the road signs that Belle’s father encounters in the forest show the names of two California cities: one points to Anaheim, while the other points down a dark, sinister-looking path to Valencia. In truth, Anaheim is the site of Disneyland, while the rival Six Flags Magic Mountain amusement theme park is in the city of Valencia.
1. Hamlet was Prince of what country ?
2. B.C. has been replaced with B.C.E. ;
What does "BCE" stand for ?"
3. Really tough question Dept. ;
What sort of edible comes in a Timperly Early and Cawood Castle variety ?
4. According to the proverb, a little ....what..... is a dangerous thing ?
5. What singer headed up the Miami Sound Machine ?
6. How many tiles are there in the game of Mah-Jong ?
7. Serigraphy is associated with what type of printing ?
a. Off-set
b. Silk Screening
c. Duplicating
d. Relief
8. Who holds the honor of being the oldest person to win a Best-Supporting Actor award ?
(Hint; Think Sunshine Boys)
In approx. 1470 BCE, Moses led his "children" into the "Promised Land".
1. Denmark
2. "Before the Common Era"
3. Rhubarb
4. Knowledge
5. Gloria Estefan
6. 144
7. b - Silk Screen
8. George Burns
That would be Joshua ....
The Lord said to Joshua ; "Moses, My servant, is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them--the children of Israel. (Joshua 1:2)
Under Joshua's leadership, the children of Israel crossed the river Jordan on dry ground, making their entrance in to the promised land. (Joshua 3:17)
It is true that some of the tribes received their inheritance on the east side of the river Jordan, but the promised land is most often referring to the land on the west side of the Jordan.
Animation artists love inside jokes. In the Disney film Beauty and the Beast (1991), the road signs that Belle’s father encounters in the forest show the names of two California cities: one points to Anaheim, while the other points down a dark, sinister-looking path to Valencia. In truth, Anaheim is the site of Disneyland, while the rival Six Flags Magic Mountain amusement theme park is in the city of Valencia.
1. Hamlet was Prince of what country ?
2. B.C. has been replaced with B.C.E. ;
What does "BCE" stand for ?"
3. Really tough question Dept. ;
What sort of edible comes in a Timperly Early and Cawood Castle variety ?
4. According to the proverb, a little ....what..... is a dangerous thing ?
5. What singer headed up the Miami Sound Machine ?
6. How many tiles are there in the game of Mah-Jong ?
7. Serigraphy is associated with what type of printing ?
a. Off-set
b. Silk Screening
c. Duplicating
d. Relief
8. Who holds the honor of being the oldest person to win a Best-Supporting Actor award ?
(Hint; Think Sunshine Boys)
In approx. 1470 BCE, Moses led his "children" into the "Promised Land".
1. Denmark
2. "Before the Common Era"
3. Rhubarb
4. Knowledge
5. Gloria Estefan
6. 144
7. b - Silk Screen
8. George Burns
That would be Joshua ....
The Lord said to Joshua ; "Moses, My servant, is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them--the children of Israel. (Joshua 1:2)
Under Joshua's leadership, the children of Israel crossed the river Jordan on dry ground, making their entrance in to the promised land. (Joshua 3:17)
It is true that some of the tribes received their inheritance on the east side of the river Jordan, but the promised land is most often referring to the land on the west side of the Jordan.