Trivia 6/2

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 6/2
Twenty-one percent of the Japanese population is elderly (over the age of
65), the highest proportion in the world.

1. What actor connects "F-Troop" and "Mamma's Family" ?
2. What term means occupying an area you do not own ?
3. While visiting Nashville, somebody handed me a "Harpoon".... most folks
call it a .....what ?
4. Which process involves mixing cream and milk into a uniform consistency
(so that separation no longer occurs)?
5. There was a popular song in olden days called, "Go Tell Aunt Rhody". Just
what did the singer want you to tell her?
(Hint; T__ O__ G___ G_____ is D___ ! )
6. What year saw the Building of the Space Needle ?
a. - 1962
b. - 1965
c. - 1968
d. - 1972
7. Name That Flick !!
1971-Elizabeth Ashley's son continues to call her on the phone...even after
his death:
(Hint ; "When _______ Calls")
8. Who was the first POTUS to die in Office ?
a. - Lincoln
b. – Harrison
c. – Taylor
d. - McKinley

Cinco de Mayo celebrates the Mexican victory in the Battle of Puebla, in the
Mexican Revolution.
1.Ken Berry
2. Squatting
3. Harmonica
4. Homogenization
5. The Old Gray Goose is Dead
6. - a
7. "When Michael Calls"
8. - b

Celebrated on May 5th, Cinco de Mayo celebrates the Mexican Army's victory
over the vastly superior French Army in the 1862 Battle of Puebla, a true
David vs. Goliath encounter. The Mexican's success was not expected.
Mexico's Independence Day is actually September 16, 1810, the day the "Grito
de Dolores", a battle cry ("Cry of Dolores") was shouted out by parish
priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla in the Mexican War of Independence.

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