Universal Copper Pan Lids

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Assistant Cook
Dec 7, 2006
I'm searching for copper universal lids. These are the ones that are relatively flat and have an iron handle and are used on a variety of pots and pans. Anyone have any thoughts on where I might get these? Thank you.

try chefsresource.com also look at any supplier for the French copperware companies Mauviel, Delherin, Bourgeat. I've recently seen what you're looking for but can't find the page just this minute.
If you're after the appearance of copper, the above suggestions are good. Another good source is BuyCopperCookware.com/. But from a functional viewpoint an aluminum lid from a restaurant supply place will work just as well. We push used wine corks under the handles of ours so we don't need a hotpad to handle them.

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