Master Chef
Lets see how many of the 25 rules of ettiquete are broken in this thread. If you are not familiar with the rules you can find them here viewtopic.php?f=3&t=21243 In order to play along you must count and name the number of the rule broken. Broken like the mountain that Puff and Nick like to meat at….
Things here have been kind of busy the boys boys are just finishing up there football season (it started Aug 1 and will end tommarow at the Championship Game). So I haven’t done any Q in to long and decided that today I would cook some up. I got up a little later than I wanted but is was still dark when the Royal Oak http://www.royal-oak.com/home was lit and was sparking like the 4th of July. After one hell of a show this morning I was ready to go. I tried to do a search to come up with the best way of cooking a Brisket but I couldn’t fine a single thread that had the information I was looking for. I went searching for movies but got sidetracked.
Luckily for me my WSM was large enough to accomdate the brisket that was purchased from http://www.restaurantdepot.com/ . I trimmed up the brisket and mostly seprated the point and the flat then I used some Swine Syndicate Rub Out Brisket Blend on the Brisket if you don’t have access to the Rub Out you can substute http://wolfepit.blogspot.com/2009/10/wo ... cipes.html so long as you kick in a little money to the fund!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After the brisket was rubbed I moved on to the Butts I rubbed one out on the Butts and placed them in the fridge to get happy. I began to wonder if I should rub my meat in advance or wait for the moment it’s needed and then start to rub it? Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
In the morning I woke up got dressed and managed to turn the coffe pot on and not get my bag squished while taking care of business. After washing up I then started a chimney with some starter cubes. Should I have used lighter fluid? A weed burner? Some newspaper? What do yall all think? Was using lump the right move? I could have gotten some http://www.kingsford.com/.
Anyway I lit up the chimney and it sparked after enjoying a cup of coffe and watching the show it was time to start cooking. I placed the Brisket below the Butts. Butt juice and a Brisket is good. Brisket juice on a Butt is for Texans. I tossed in a couple of chunks of wood that were chucked by my friendly nationhood wood chucks at http://www.smokinlicious.com/. For a while we had a woodchuck in our back yard. It was a big one. One night while looking at the stars and having a few http://www.jackdaniels.com/age.aspx?Ret ... fault.aspx the dog when nuts and had it trapped against the fence. I called him off and went to bed.
Anyways the meat has been on since 6:30am and is all most done. I would have been done if I would have FOILED it. I DON’T LIKE TO USE FOIL WHAT DO THE REST OF YOU THINK?
So now the meat is almost done. I hope you newbies learned something about this stuff.
Here is a pic of the stuff almost done I’ll try to take a few more before we eat but I don’t know if I’ll have the time to photo shop my stuff.

Things here have been kind of busy the boys boys are just finishing up there football season (it started Aug 1 and will end tommarow at the Championship Game). So I haven’t done any Q in to long and decided that today I would cook some up. I got up a little later than I wanted but is was still dark when the Royal Oak http://www.royal-oak.com/home was lit and was sparking like the 4th of July. After one hell of a show this morning I was ready to go. I tried to do a search to come up with the best way of cooking a Brisket but I couldn’t fine a single thread that had the information I was looking for. I went searching for movies but got sidetracked.
Luckily for me my WSM was large enough to accomdate the brisket that was purchased from http://www.restaurantdepot.com/ . I trimmed up the brisket and mostly seprated the point and the flat then I used some Swine Syndicate Rub Out Brisket Blend on the Brisket if you don’t have access to the Rub Out you can substute http://wolfepit.blogspot.com/2009/10/wo ... cipes.html so long as you kick in a little money to the fund!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After the brisket was rubbed I moved on to the Butts I rubbed one out on the Butts and placed them in the fridge to get happy. I began to wonder if I should rub my meat in advance or wait for the moment it’s needed and then start to rub it? Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
In the morning I woke up got dressed and managed to turn the coffe pot on and not get my bag squished while taking care of business. After washing up I then started a chimney with some starter cubes. Should I have used lighter fluid? A weed burner? Some newspaper? What do yall all think? Was using lump the right move? I could have gotten some http://www.kingsford.com/.
Anyway I lit up the chimney and it sparked after enjoying a cup of coffe and watching the show it was time to start cooking. I placed the Brisket below the Butts. Butt juice and a Brisket is good. Brisket juice on a Butt is for Texans. I tossed in a couple of chunks of wood that were chucked by my friendly nationhood wood chucks at http://www.smokinlicious.com/. For a while we had a woodchuck in our back yard. It was a big one. One night while looking at the stars and having a few http://www.jackdaniels.com/age.aspx?Ret ... fault.aspx the dog when nuts and had it trapped against the fence. I called him off and went to bed.
Anyways the meat has been on since 6:30am and is all most done. I would have been done if I would have FOILED it. I DON’T LIKE TO USE FOIL WHAT DO THE REST OF YOU THINK?
So now the meat is almost done. I hope you newbies learned something about this stuff.
Here is a pic of the stuff almost done I’ll try to take a few more before we eat but I don’t know if I’ll have the time to photo shop my stuff.