Venison (UK only)

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Senior Cook
Nov 3, 2015
York (UK)
Hi. This needs someone from the UK. I have tried to get venison from butchers. They tell me they can't supply it because it is very expensive.

I have looked at a website that claims diced venison for £1.49 / 100g and this one is £5.95 for 400g. Is this real venison or partial venison as I have heard supermarkets do this?

Thanks. Desmond.

P.S. I love rump steak but this looks more expensive than the venison
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I know, I know, :rolleyes: you're going to say 'silly sod, you're not from the UK'. ;)

But why don't you trust their website? Do you not have 'food inspectors' in the UK? Here in Canada and the US, should someone advertise food that is NOT what they say it is, they could be liable for hefty fines, restrictions, even closures. Not to mention embarassment and loss of customers.

You have "heard" that supermarkets do this, was there an actual incident or is it just hearsay. Have never heard of anything like that happening here except maybe "back in the day" before inspections became more common. Fish here is not regulated here as much as beef/etc are.

Think you mentioned this venison desire once before, did you ever get some (wasn't it frozen from somewhere?)? Was it any good? Did yo find a good recipe where you could cook it properly?
Curious minds want to know, :LOL:
I have heard of supermarkets mixing venison and farmed meat. But, it was listed in the fine print. It's easy to get fooled, if you don't read the fine print. I think you should make sure you read "the fine print".
Taxi Lady is right. You don't get what you expect but but just because you live in the U S of A, doesn't mean that everything is the same. You might have an enormous amount of Deer in USA and Canada. I have heard that venison in the UK can be as much as £60 [$73] / kg. So supermarkets will fudge the system to make customers want to buy. That is why I specified UK as things are different here. Not because I did not want Americans participating.
I just checked out that link. That website looks legit to me. I think they can manage that kind of price on the game meat because they have a subscription service. They only acquire the meat after it has been ordered. That way they don't have the kind of losses that a regular butcher or shop would have by acquiring something that might not sell.

I suggest that you ask friends if any of them have tried this subscription service. I suggest also checking out their Facebook page ( and see what impression that gives you of them.

I have a subscription to a produce and other stuff box that I get on a weekly basis. I really like having it, especially since it is customizable, like the boxes from Field & Flower. The main drawback to testing them out that I see is the minimum order of £39.50 plus shipping (the shipping doesn't look expensive). But, they have stuff other than meat, like dairy products and a pantry section, so it should be easy to find useful stuff that stays fresh longer than meat does.

I hope that gives you some ideas for consideration.

Please keep us up to date with your experience with this.
otuatail, you list your locality as York, Yorkshire.

I have heard - you are talking to the wrong people.

Venison is available in your vicinity. It is also seasonal.

I found the following using

5 processing plants within the York area processing venison and other meat.
10 butchers selling venison located within York central.

Google maps is your best friend, even listing the distance to the processing plants, butchers and giving you directions.
The venison processing plant is located 31.1 miles, 36 minute drive south from the centre of York.

I am certain using and setting your locality in your browser your locality filter will provide more accurate results.
Thanks for that. I wouldn't mind the minimum order of £39.50 if I liked venison but this is wild meat and I have never tried it. If they could reduce the amount for a first purchase that would be fine. What does it taste like and don't say game

"I found the following using"

An Australian website showing venison in York (UK)?

As for 10 butchers in York. all I can see is websites not a Butcher on the street corner. I have asked lots of butchers in York and they say NO.
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Thanks for that. I wouldn't mind the minimum order of £39.50 if I liked venison but this is wild meat and I have never tried it. If they could reduce the amount for a first purchase that would be fine. What does it taste like and don't say game

"I found the following using"

An Australian website showing venison in York (UK)?

As for 10 butchers in York. all I can see is websites not a Butcher on the street corner. I have asked lots of butchers in York and they say NO.

They have other stuff than venison. They even have cheese. Yeah, you would be purchasing stuff from a store you don't know, but there should be stuff other than venison that you would be buying in any case.

I do understand the reluctance to spend that much just to try a piece of venison. And maybe that cheese and the eggs and pork are pricier than you usually pay. I would be over thinking this and equivocating, if I was the one looking for venison.

BTW, the only game meat that we can legally buy in Quebec has to be raised by the seller. There may be an exception for buying from indigenous sellers.
"An Australian website showing venison in York (UK)?"

Google is NOT A WEB SITE, but a localised search engine. - Australia. - UK - USA

Search Terms: venison, venison wholesalers, venison suppliers.

Google will also suggest other search terms based on the initial search. - Australia, will filter the searches.

The venison processing plant is located 31.1 miles, 36 minute drive south from the centre of York. It can be located on a roadmap or Google maps.
Have you got an actual link to any of these and not a google.XXX search engine as I have looked and no actual street butcher.

I suppose the Russian's and Japanese, and north Korean would also have a google address that would show butchers in the UK
Swaledale looks like delivery only

sykes house farm Walton Road. Wetherby. West Yorkshire.
sounds like delivery but there is a street address.

The Butchers Block sounds like delivery only but there is a phone nbr to call.

If you read their sites you will realize how proud they are of their products. These places do not need to 'doctor' them. They are sourced locally, much as they do here in Canada.
From the sounds of it, again, same as here, you cannot get that kind of game in your big box stores, there just isn't a market for the price.

All you can do is call them and see what they say.

Honestly, if I was that anxious to try venison I would pay the price at least once - twice if I liked it!
Thanks for that. I wouldn't mind the minimum order of £39.50 if I liked venison but this is wild meat and I have never tried it. If they could reduce the amount for a first purchase that would be fine. What does it taste like and don't say game

"I found the following using"

An Australian website showing venison in York (UK)?

As for 10 butchers in York. all I can see is websites not a Butcher on the street corner. I have asked lots of butchers in York and they say NO.

I didn't notice that question earlier. The venison I have had was farmed or from friends who hunt. It tasted like beef, but the texture of the muscle was finer grained than beef. If I hadn't known it was venison, I wouldn't have noticed the difference. It was perhaps a little meatier tasting. We quite enjoyed the "Bambi burgers" we used to get at a resto that no longer exists.
Regardless of the locality on Planet Earth, a PC is just an internet interface to a vast array of global servers. A search engine will read the system clock time zone and locality to return local searches. The following searches reveal a variety of web sites depending on the search term used. Microsoft Edge using the built in Bing Search Engine which defaults to the USA and the Slimjet Browser purposely set to Google will return different results. Both will return the major venison suppliers in the York Yorkshire region. An email contact will return retail suppliers and in some cases online ordering.

Venison Search +08:00 GMT - Monday 01 August 2022 - Start 06:42, Finish 07:11 - Local Time.

Microsoft Edge using built in Bing Search Engine.

Search Terms:

Venison York Yorkshire:

Venison Suppliers York Yorkshire:

Venison Farms York Yorkshire:

Venison Farms Yorkshire:

Venison Processors York Yorkshire:

Venison Processors Yorkshire:

Slimjet Browser using Google.

Venison York Yorkshire:

Venison Suppliers Yorkshire:

Venison Suppliers York Yorkshire:

Venison Farms York Yorkshire:

Venison Processors York Yorkshire:
Thanks for that. I wouldn't mind the minimum order of £39.50 if I liked venison but this is wild meat and I have never tried it. If they could reduce the amount for a first purchase that would be fine. What does it taste like and don't say game


If you never tasted dear meat, I for sure would not recommend spending 40 bucks. Can you find a restaurant that serves it? It might cost you the same, but it will be well prepared (hopefully) and then you can talk to staff and ask their advice. Then you will know what you are dealing with. Otherwise, not having tasted before, buying game meat, any game, in opinion is not recommended.
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