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A Wuump there it is!!!! WE are Now #5!!! (Dig this,) WE are Now only 36.4 More Five Star Votes to advancing (and Dancing to #4!!!! :cool: :D :w00t2: :clap: :) Atomic Jed!
seemed like forever to go from number 7 to number 6. I voted today and tried again but it only allows one vote per day. I dont see us as number 5, its says number 6.

I see the little red arrow, which means number 5 is about to happen I guess, but it shows as as number 6 still.
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Amber is shows us now Ranked at #5, and previous at #6. Just thought i would keep ya up to date. I just read your post and looked. Yay#5!!!!!!!!!
elf since you're such a huge part of our success I don't know why you can't understand it! Thanks for all of your dedication!

Atomic Jed said:
WE Just Advanced to #6!!! Yay!!! (And only 20.3 more Five Star Votes away from #5!!! :) Atomic Jed!
UPDATE 7:48a GMT (11:48 PST)

Just voted We are now at 35,145 votes in # 5 position.:LOL:

Beauty of that is that the No. 4 place only has 35,307 votes...

:) 62 votes from No. 4 position:excl: :LOL:
We should be able to overhaul number 4 today I just voted and I know we can do it Go Team Go :clap: :bounce: :dizzy: I am feeling like so excited like I am have :nuke: power plant in me :rolleyes: Go Team Go ! As you have noticed I also approve of all the smileys :cool:

:chef: :) :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO: I Like the smilies too! But yeah, im so excited too. Last night Atomic Jed and i was watching up go over the top. It was so fantastic to see such a GREAT SITE TAKE A BIG LEAP!! Thanks everyone for all your hard work! And keep voting 5 stars i do everyday!!:cool: :LOL: :angel: the last ones me!! hahahahahahhaha
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