Well we bought a kitchen!

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
It just so happens that we get a house around it, too. After we return to MA and start to pack and move, I'll journal that. I just wanted to share some kitchen photos as a tease.

As you come in from the garage and walk through the laundry room, this is what you would see...


If you're at the other end of the island, this is the view:


Pay special attention to the small counter/cabinets to the right of the door. It's our coffee bar!

Finally, a view of the entire kitchen when standing in front of the gas fireplace:

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Thanks, @Aunt Bea. We've been really excited about finding something we loved! When we left MA we feared that we would have to build again. Building isn't the issue, but moving twice would have been. Plus the prices of new houses...:oops: They have jumped like crazy post-Covid. We really wanted a one-floor plan. Those are so scare you practically have to sit outside a house with old people living in it, waiting... I looked at well over a hundred "For Sale" online, liked three enough to ask our realtor to make appointments so we could see them in person, then cancelled one of those appointments after reading through the disclosure statement. This one pretty much fell into our lap.

Hmm, maybe I should start the "Going Home" thread now. :LOL:
@Kathleen not Thanksgiving. I'm seriously thinking that you and Frank could come up for a Browns game. Bed and meals for the weekend in exchange for you guys taking us to the game with you. Only problem is I have to convince Himself the Hermit to be social for a weekend. :LOL:

Congratulations, CG!!! And, wow! I'm so happy for you guys!! I'm sure having a place to move into will make the whole process so much easier and more fun...like a "carrot" at the end of a stick? Or maybe that should be a donut or piece of chocolate? ;)
Or maybe a glass of wine? ;) Donuts would be good - the shop back in our old hometown was voted in as Best Donut Shop of northeast OH. They managed to get nearly 25% of all the votes! Yes, Donut Land does make that good of donuts. :yum:
I see there is also a gas range there (first thing I look at! lol). You'll be spending a lot of time in that kitchen, esp. being part of the living area! Can't wait to see some of the dishes from your new kitchen.
Gas: YES! All of the newer 1-owner houses and model homes had glass top electric. I grew up learning on gas, have missed it since we bought our first house in 1974, and wanted to go back to a gas stove. I've had the chance to cook on one intermittently over the years, but like a bicycle, you never forget. Can't wait to crisp tortillas on the gas range!
Way to go CG!!! It's looks lovely!! I am so glad you finally found a house!
It's more like we finally went looking for a house. We took so long to get ours up for sale, it seems like we've been at this forever. We found this one less than a week after we got to OH. It's kismet.
Outstanding! I like the layout. Congrats.
Me, too. This kitchen looks like a cook set it up, not an interior designer. Himself can make toast and doctor his coffee without ever crossing path with me going from range to sink making breakfast.
WOW @Cooking Goddess love the layout!
Me, too.
It’s hard to tell from the photo but I could swear that it looks like a wine bar to me 🤭
'Tis. But my boxed wine won't fit in it. Himself says that looks like a hidey-hole for my prep-work bar stool and step stool - going to need that for top cabinet shelves. BTW, the current owners have bottled water and pop cans in the cooler.
I am jealous.
Don't be. This will be our fourth house, and the first with this "gourmet" of a kitchen. House #2 had a nice kitchen, though, too. But not this nice.
No, Aunt Bea, you are absolutely correct. It is a wine cooler. Hopefully they will leave you a bottle as a Welcome Home gift when they leave.
No wine in the cooler. I don't know about these people, but I'm planning on leaving a bottle of some kind of bubbly (Prosecco or Cava, since they're cheaper than Champagne - but the vines grow along the same mineral ridge, so they are very similar) and a gift card to our favorite pizza joint for whoever buys our house.
Congratulations. Do you have a moving date yet?
Second half of January, at the earliest. The owners wanted "one more holiday season" in this place, so we gave them extra time to pack and move. When we move exactly will depend on weather, I'm sure. Unless our place is sold and we have to vacate. Then that's a different story, weather be dammed.
Nice looking kitchen. I have all sorts of ideas for a coffee bar...

We do hope to head back up next year for a Browns game again, unless we get play off tickets (Playoffs.. don't talk to me.about.. PLAYOFFS?)
The whole box of wine doesn't have to go in the little fridge. Save a bottle with a screw cap and fill that from the box and put the bottle in the fridge. Or get fancy and get a Vacu Vin for the wine bottle instead of using the screw top.
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