What’s the allure of Spam?

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Executive Chef
Sep 6, 2017
Las Vegas
I guess Spam is a processed meat, like sausage - I hope I’m in the right forum!

I’ve never had Spam. Ever. As thrifty as mother was, and considering what a poor cook she was (she actually wasn’t a poor cook, she was not a cook at all, and didn’t like to cook), that’s surprising. Maybe something about Spam offended her Jewish upbringing.

So what’s the allure? The price? Is it delicious? What kind of recipes is it used in? Is it as bad for you as cigarettes? Is it good for you at all?

That “Spam” has become a metaphor for unneeded and unwanted info doesn’t bode well for the actual product. But it’s ubiquitous, it’s become a staple in Hawaiian cuisine, and it’s always available. And it’s really REALLY cheap.

Fill me in on this mystery meat! (Is it meat?)
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SPiced hAM It's spiced ham. It's very salty and tastes decent. I don't particularly care for it but many do. It works well pan fried as a breakfast meat in place of ham, sausage, etc.

I don't know if it's any worse for you than bacon or breakfast sausage. You can satisfy your curiosity for short money. And you won't die.
SPiced hAM It's spiced ham. It's very salty and tastes decent. I don't particularly care for it but many do. It works well pan fried as a breakfast meat in place of ham, sausage, etc.

I don't know if it's any worse for you than bacon or breakfast sausage. You can satisfy your curiosity for short money. And you won't die.
Not dying is a great recommendation! I guess I’ll get a can at the super today!
Spam Spam Spam and Spam ... ala Monte Python :LOL:
I love Spam, not just because I'm from Hawaii either. ;)
I like mine fried crispy too :yum::yum::yum:

My Father, who grew up during WWII in Honolulu,
had no choice back in the day but to eat "potted meats",
that's all there was pretty much.
So as an adult, it was ban in our house---
I had to get my fix elsewhere :yum:

I can run off a good long list of dishes made with Spam,
my own personal faves are (in no particular order):

Spam Musubi
Spam and Cabbage served over Rice
Spam Eggs and Rice (this dish is sorta said as one word in Hawaii :blink:), either steamed or Fried Rice, MMM!!
Hawaii May 2012 358.jpg

JJ, I'm sure that you've had Musubi, right?

Spam, made by Hormel, comes in many varieties
I go with the Low Sodium nowadays.
When we go back to Hawaii (which will be soon), I want to
buy one of the newer flavors that came out only in Hawaii
back 3 years ago, Portuguese (Linguicia) Sausage flavor.

There's even a Spam Jam, a festival dedicated to all things Spam.
We went 3 years ago, great fun and ONO kine grindz!!

Some day I'd like to make it to the Spam Museum
SPAM® Museum in Minnesota | SPAM® Brand
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"Spam Jam"....."SPAM-bassadors...." :LOL: Sounds like fun!

I haven't had Spam in so many years. Every now and then it comes up as a topic here, and I fully intend to buy a can and fry up a few slices with some scrambled eggs, especially now that there are so many different varieties. I keep forgetting, though....just wrote it on the list. :)
My only memories of SPAM revolved around camping trips, blizzards and poverty!

A few months ago I bought a SPAM single and fried it for a sandwich, all I tasted was salt. These days I would keep a can of chicken breast or tuna on the emergency shelf and skip the SPAM.

My next adventure in the aisles of the supermarket will be a can of Vienna sausages. :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
I used to like Spam when I was a kid. Fried crips and topped with a sunny side up egg for breakfast, or fried then cooled, and served on thick slices of rye with spicy brown mustard and onions.

I haven't had it in many years, though. I think the last time was on a backpacking trip. The Appalachian Trail through hikers we ran into and camped overnight with were thrilled to eat some cooked over coals from the fire. I guess it was better than their daily ration of lentils, day after day. The beer and wine we brought helped too.

Hmm, does anyone remember thise little cans of some sort of devil meat? It was like spreadable Spam. I never liked those.
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My dad used to make a decent Sunday morning breakfast hash with Spam, potatoes, and onions. He'd serve it with a couple of runny eggs on top.

It wasn't gourmet, but it was pretty good.
I used to like Spam when I was a kid. Fried crips and topped with a sunny side up egg for breakfast, or fried then cooled, and served on thick slices of rye with spicy brown mustard and onions.

I haven't had it in many years, though. I think the last time was on a backpacking trip. The Appalachian Trail through hikers we ran into and camped overnight with were thrilled to eat some cooked over coals from the fire. I guess it was better than their daily ration of lentils, day after day. The beer and wine we brought helped too.

Hmm, does anyone remember thise little cans of some sort of devil meat? It was like spreadable Spam. I never liked those.

Underwood Deviled Ham

My only memories of SPAM revolved around camping trips, blizzards and poverty!

A few months ago I bought a SPAM single and fried it for a sandwich, all I tasted was salt. These days I would keep a can of chicken breast or tuna on the emergency shelf and skip the SPAM.

My next adventure in the aisles of the supermarket will be a can of Vienna sausages. :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

Yeah, regular Spam is salty, but the low-sodium isn't bad.

Vienna Sausage?
The younger sister to Spam for breakfast!!
DH actually requested it the other morning... fried crisp with eggs and rice :yum: And no forget the Aloha Brand Shoyu and Furikake on top da rice too yeah!!!
DH is known to drain off a can and place them atop Soda Crackers as a quick snack :yuk: ACK! You gotta fry `em up first braddah!!
Not dying is a great recommendation! I guess I’ll get a can at the super today!

SPAm is one of the foods you have to eat, if even only one time. It is not good for you, and there is nothing special about it, but it does actually taste good -- as long as you cook it right. That means frying it. Cut it no more than a quarter-inch thick, and put a bit of a crust on it in a frying pan.

I like it with two slices of toast as a sandwich, especially if it has a fried egg on it.

So, go for it!

I just found this picture of some shrimp and SPAM skewers I grilled for a fun SPAM cooking contest. It actually wasn't bad. :LOL:



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I guess Spam is a processed meat, like sausage - I hope I’m in the right forum!

Yes, Spam and many other canned meat products are processed. I don't think they are a form of Charcuterie. Our homemade sausages and cured meats are not what I would consider processed.

I personally will eat Scrapple before I'd ever touched Spam again.
I prefer Hormel "Treat" better than spam. Fried with crispy edges on white bun with mayo, lettuce and tomato is very good.
Its similar to the bologna sandwiches I like so much.
Its right next to the Spam on the store shelf. Same size and shaped can.

I never tried it until moved here to SC and m current wife had some in her pantry.
Yes, Spam and many other canned meat products are processed. I don't think they are a form of Charcuterie. Our homemade sausages and cured meats are not what I would consider processed.

I personally will eat Scrapple before I'd ever touched Spam again.

Yes, SPAM is processed "mystery meat." But, it is also part of Americana. Keep in mind, lobster was once a food for the poor, and for prisoners. Now, it is a delicacy.

Of course, I don't see SPAM ever becoming a delicacy, but it is something I think every American should try at least one time. It is part of our cultural DNA -- for better or worse.

Yes, SPAM is processed "mystery meat." But, it is also part of Americana. Keep in mind, lobster was once a food for the poor, and for prisoners. Now, it is a delicacy.

Of course, I don't see SPAM ever becoming a delicacy, but it is something I think every American should try at least one time. It is part of our cultural DNA -- for better or worse.


Maybe it is part of your cultural DNA, but I saw enough of the cr@p when I was a kid that none will ever appear on my plate again. If it is part of Americana, you take my part. I suppose Armour canned is part of Americana too and you can have all of that cr@p you want as well.

BTW, why did you think it necessary to quote my reply, when it doesn't have anything to do with your post?:rolleyes:
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