What are you doing this Saturday?

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Master Chef
Aug 24, 2004
da 'burgh
i woke up at 9, went shopping nearby, had a few drinks due to a hangover, now i'm thinking of taking a nap.
a few people invited me out for tonite.
The sun is out!
We're going to do some errands...
come home and do some work around the house
and then go visit Paul's cousin at her dorm. We may
try to fit in a movie tonight depending on how tired the
day makes us.

Tomorrow is our HEART DAY Dinner!
pdswife said:
How's your room coming along Texas???

VERY slowly!!:LOL: It's just about there, though. I wasn't sure about the color at first, dh came home the first day of painting, looked at it and said, holy crap, I live in a barn:ROFLMAO: After 3 coats, it's the color I wanted. Just finishing the cut ins around the trim. Hopefully, I'll be moving back in the room tomorrow!!
working, as always.

then off to costco to restock some stuff, and check out the food aisles.

it's supposed to be a blizzard tonight, so i'll guess we'll stay in and wax the sled runners for tomorrow.
i should disconnect the phone. if i answer it, i'll probable be called back in to work to cover for al of the fair weather engineers. :chicken:
Hubby just came in from grocery shopping and wants to take us to see The Pink Panther at the matinee. Tonight, I am going to see V***** Chronicles at UGA with all proceeds going to Project Safe, with some workmates! A very busy day! Really should be cleaning, but oh well!!!!
It snowed and sleeted here yesterday but fortunantly none of it stuck to the streets. Now it's just bitter cold and wet and... Good lord it's snowing again! I just stuck my head out to see if the sun had finally come out and the air is white again. 2nd day in a row. Wonder if it'll stick this time? ha ha.

Anyay, I'm curled up nice and warm with a good computer (haven't even gotten out of my pajamas today) and plan on spending the day inside surfing the web :mrgreen:

(I got blown in playing Trade Wars so now I have to wait till tomorrow to play again :doh: )

~ Raven ~
Doing a ultra sound this morning, prayers please. This afternoon we go to a birthday cookout for my aunt's 75th birthday.
Today I will be praying for wasabi, doing school work (college and kids' stuff), housework, watching the Olympics, and going to Drama practice (we have a performance tomorrow night). Oh yeah, I will also balance the checkbook and see how much we can put toward bills. Fun, fun, fun!:LOL:

:) Barbara
I got up at 7:30 am. Went down to the bakery to pick up some jalapeno cheese bread that I ordered yesterday. Got a latte to go at the bakery. Came back home and started the doing the weekend laundry. This afternoon if the temperature warms up I want to take the dog for a walk.
barbara, i just got to watch parts of the usa - swiss women's ice hockey game. the u.s. team looked incredible. tough, fast, and quite talented. we won 6-0.

and for hockey players, some of them were very attractive. (i never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth. :) )
buckytom said:
and for hockey players, some of them were very attractive. (i never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth. :) )
Always thought it, just never said it, right Bucky? :LOL:

:) Barbara
Wasabi - thoughts are with you regarding ultra sound.

Got up at 7:15 - took my daughter to school for testing, stopped at Starbucks to get a latte, ran to market, came home, unloaded groceries, started laundry, played with my son, changed beds, and here I am. I should be painting - just like you Texasgirl - we are painting too - AGAIN (long story from last weekend, but having to remove trim and sand and paint around baseboards!):mad: This is the guest bedroom in basement - having guests next weekend, so it has to get done. DH is working on it now......better join him.
I'm jealous of you all! I had to get up at 6:30 to get my son up to go to his first UIL competition at school. Good thing my daughter went to sleep over at a friend's since she usually wakes me up at 6:00, if not before. I dropped off my son (since daughter was already at school w/her friend), picked them up around 11:00, took them to lunch at Quizno's, and off shopping to the grocery store. This afternoon, we should be exercising on the trampoline, go for a walk and help my daughter with her swan piñata, or "Valentine's Day box", as she calls it. She's making a beautiful, white swan out of paper mache. Later, this evening I'll be fixing dinner and more than likely watch a Pay-Per-View movie with the family. You all have a great day! Prayers for you Wasabi. Everything will be just fine, you'll see.
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will be thinking of you..Prayers coming your way..We're all here if you need us for anything.

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Wasabi, I'm thinking of you, too and sending hugs!

DH is doing some cleaning, I just gave Sofie a bath, got her down for a nap and am now going to make a big pot of stew. Before my DH's aunt died last month she asked us to make sure her husband ate--it was one of her biggest concerns at the end (how sweet!)--so I'm going to try to stock his freezer a bit.
I haven't done much today. After all the exercise and keeping my grandson all week, I've been quite tired and didn't even go to Curves this morning. I think I will make it a point to take it easy on Saturday from now on. It seemed so good not to have to get up and get out today. I just may get lazy, if I have time.:rolleyes:

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