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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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What a nice way to spend time together. You are a good grandfather offering to eat those cookies so they won't go to waste. If you can't finish them let me know. I will send my address. :angel::yum:

Oh, they will still go to waist...:ROFLMAO:
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Oh, they will still got to waist...:ROFLMAO:

Good one PF. Right now I am trying to get my hearing back. The smoke alarm went off in the building. Dang, that thing is loud. False alarm again. Any time dust gets into the smoke detectors, it sets off the alarms. It costs the Building Management Company $300 every time this happens. You would think they would put cleaning them on the list of monthly chores.

Maintenance just knocked on my door. It seems that there is a major leak under my apartment and they wanted to check to see if I had any overflow here. Under my apartment is the electrical room. The leak must have hit some wires and that is why the alarm went off. Not a false alarm this time.

How dumb these folks are. They send three MEN to take a look at my apartment. The reason is so that one employee can't harm me if there is someone else with him. So what is to stop the other two? Fortunately I know these men and there were other tenants out in the hall and saw them come into my apartment.

Give me strength Lord, give me strength. It is very tiring dealing with idiots every day.
Well, we made the lemon cookies and they turned out delicious. They were a hit with all except my grandson, Steven. He loves to cook but won't eat half of what he makes. He didn't even want a cookie when they were done.


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wow, andy, your grandson is getting so big!

i remember the picture when he threw up a little on your shirt... :D

but really, what a cute boy. you must be a proud grandpapa.
wow, andy, your grandson is getting so big!

i remember the picture when he threw up a little on your shirt... :D

but really, what a cute boy. you must be a proud grandpapa.

Thanks, BT. I'm excited that he loves to cook with me! If I could just get him to like the basics.

He makes cookies and cakes but won't eat them. I have bagel and lox for breakfast and he eats that. Go figure!
that's a good sign. my son started off with a very savory palate, also liking to cook. at 7, my boy has made many cold desserts, but also garlic bread and cheese crisps of his own recipes. lol.

he was the only 4 year old that i know that liked fried salmon skin (very fishy), or bitter greens, or even hot peppers. your grandson is lucky to have his grandpa lovingly expose him to what we all here love, and all of the familial things attached to it.
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Watching a beautiful day unfold and remembering just why I love DC so much.

Yesterday, I laughed so much! It seemed everyone had something funny and witty to say.

Especially you, AndyM. Obviously your vacation was really good. You had me laughing hard all day. Thanks!
that's a good sign. my son started off with a very savory palate, also liking to cook. at 7, my boy has made many cold desserts, but also garlic bread and cheese crisps of his own recipes. lol.

he was the only 4 year old that i know that liked fried salmon skin (very fishy), or bitter greens, or even hot peppers. your grandson is lucky to have his grandpa lovingly expose him to what we all here love, and all of the familial things attached to it.

I guess the 'cooking gene' skips a generation. My daughters were not interested at all growing up. Now the younger one is beginning to get into it.
that's a good sign. my son started off with a very savory palate, also liking to cook. at 7, my boy has made many cold desserts, but also garlic bread and cheese crisps of his own recipes. lol.

he was the only 4 year old that i know that liked fried salmon skin (very fishy), or bitter greens, or even hot peppers. your grandson is lucky to have his grandpa lovingly expose him to what we all here love, and all of the familial things attached to it.

sometimes i just want to choke you. and other times i just get choked up by the things you say....:)
Well, got up at 2:00am!

Made cookies and a meat loaf.

Waiting for the rest of the world to wake up!

I guess it's your turn to wake up really early. I actually made it past 5 a.m. this morning. Twice this week!

Are you going to have fried meatloaf slices with a couple of over easy eggs breakfast?

That's one of my favorite breakfasts, and I always have it the morning after making meatloaf for dinner the day before.

Unfortunately, I like it so much that I can rarely get any into the freezer!:pig:
sometimes i just want to choke you. and other times i just get choked up by the things you say....:)

thanks, umm, i think? :)

hey, you're not sailing if you never make waves...

i'll resist the urge to quote teddy roosevelt. :ermm:
I guess. I also have a nice tan. All that said, I still have every single ache and pain I had before I left. It's nice to be able to count on something.
Cardiology appointment this morning and I got my new glasses, they need the fit adjusted...giving me a pressure headache. I may make it in to work sometime this morning.:LOL: I must be there by lunch time, I have Chicken Osaka ordered for lunch. (Bite-sized pieces of chicken breast sautéed in butter, ginger sauce, and lemons. Served with a tangy mustard sauce.) And the Fresh Green Beans!

Who cares if I actually get any work done...
Beginning to assemble a 4 drawer dresser and a night stand I just picked up yesterday for the spare room. I should have paid the extra bucks and bought pre assembled stuff, but this stuff should do the trick because honestly, it will rarely be used....
I'm sitting here pouting. I was supposed to go out for lunch (sushi) with a friend and she had to cancel on me. We've rescheduled for tomorrow (yay!) but I'm still sad right now as I was really programmed for sushi darn it. I even had a teeny breakfast because I planned to make a pig of myself. LOL!

I have a ton of stuff to do around here today, and don't feel like doing any of it. Gonna pout a while longer and then kick my own butt into gear.
in other words, you're going to do an irish step dance, huh alix?

lol about the fast before sushi. i do that too. :)
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