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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
If you are on Medicare, you DO NOT need a referral. You can go to any doctor that will accept Medicare. It is one of the nice things about Medicare. It lets us be our own advocate when our doctor doesn't know what to do with us or has no answer. You don't need a referal. :ermm:

I'm in Canada, Addie. Things are much different here. We have Pharmacare which we all pay for (DH's company now pays for us). To go to a specialist the first time or for something new you need a referral. I have seen this doctor before, but it was for my vertigo and that was a couple of years ago. To see him for my throat and sinuses, I have to get another referral. My knee surgeon has stated that any time I have problems to call and make an appointment but it differs from specialist to specialist.
I'm not crazy about needles coming at me, either...I like the other end much better. Only thing that stops me from setting up the IV.:rolleyes:

Then there's the question about what nurses do for bathroom breaks...I just say, "It Depends..."

Give ma a pill or a needle. But don't give me a liquid I have to swallow. My throat closes up. I gag, dry heave,vomit and anything else that my throat can conjure up. I know it is all psychological, but I have been this way since childhood. I don't mind needles. I have very small veins and it usually takes several attempts to start an IV on me. That is fine with me. Needles haven't bothered me since the first grade. :angel:
You said it, TaxLady! That's another thing I like about the men's shirts, at least one pocket. I prefer to use it for my grocery list and pen when I'm shopping. They are also so well matched to the plaid/print that if you don't put anything in it, you really don't see it.

It's so aggravating to take my trash out to the trash chute and find I don't have even one pocket to put my keys in. I'm so afraid I'll toss the keys down the chute too.

I have a very soft cotton dress that my daughter bought for me in Florida. It has two pockets and I love it. It is a very summery dress, and I don't care. I wear it all year long. I love the pockets. I used to wear an apron many years ago and they all had pockets. :)
I've been known to take hand me down clothes and "steal" patch pockets to use on other clothing. I fixed a pair of khaki shorts for a friend with a Tommy Hillfinger denim pocket. They immediately became his favorite.
Saturday 11am

Just returned from the Central Market ... Internet briefly ... and then, lunch preparation ... A typical Italian salad and a pasta called Orecchiette with Vegetables.


I'm drinking espresso lungo and trying to wake up. We have to be out the door in half an hour. We are picking up a couple of friends at the metro (subway station) and then it's off to Ikea. For them it's a ridiculous trek by public transportation to try to get all the way to Ikea. This is mostly an exploration trip, since stuff can be ordered online. She wants to "kick the tires" before buying. He's just a friend who wants to see the store.
That is such a good idea. My Dh has been so sad with the loss of his mother. I am sure this would be a fantastic idea to help him in his healing process. Thank you so much, it was very well written.:)
I'm sorry, simonbaker. I didn't know as I can't get to every thread to keep updated on things. My prayers are with you, your husband and family.
taxlady said:
Why is it that clothing manufacturers think women don't want pockets? I have been told that women don't want pockets, because they make lumps when you put stuff in them. Well, seems to me that the solution is simple: put pockets. If someone doesn't want lumps, they can leave their pockets empty.

I HAVE to have pockets. Stupid allergies make my nose run, and the alternative is to stick kleenex up my sleeve like Gramma used to do.
I HAVE to have pockets. Stupid allergies make my nose run, and the alternative is to stick kleenex up my sleeve like Gramma used to do.

I'm a nurse...I HAVE to have pockets. For everything it might be possible I might need unexpectedly throughout the day.
I'm finally tackling the wax stripping. The stuff works good, but I can only do 3' X 3' at a time. My back is starting to threaten so I'll try to wait until tomorrow to continue or else I could cause a problem that will last awhile.

It's hard to stop, but I know that if I stop now, I'll be fine for another round tomorrow.
I HAVE to have pockets. Stupid allergies make my nose run, and the alternative is to stick kleenex up my sleeve like Gramma used to do.

You're supposed to put two hankies down your cleavage, so you can rummage and when you only find one you say, "I'm sure there were two of them." :LOL: :ROFLMAO:
Kicking back and relishing in the nearly 4 hour ride we took on the motorcycle this afternoon. The weather was beautiful so we took the opportunity to drive down to Tennessee to see what might be going on there.

The spring flowers/trees were magnificent. Color everywhere. Dogwoods, redbuds, wysteria, lilacs, daffodils, iris, creeping phlox, azaleas, and more. What a spectacular ride! I love how the dogwoods "light up" the woods.

We drove to Paris (TN) and had a yummy snack of pit barbecue and some ice cream, went further out through a resort area called Paris Landing and, then, onto Murray, KY, which is about 20 miles from where we live. In short, we drove in a HUGE circle and saw, no doubt, at least 100 other bikers out enjoying the beautiful day.

What a lovely day spent on Old Blue:


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