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I was horrified when she first brought it in the house. "Get that thing out out my home NOW!" But over time I even let it climb up my arm. Would I do it today? No, No, no and even HECK NO!!! As a wise person once said. :angel:

I had a friend when I was in college that I tended bar with. He had 2 tarantulas, one was a beautiful rose-pink color. It was quite friendly. The other, brown one, not so much.

I saw a pretty pink one at a local pet shop, and was tempted to bring it home, but due to my cleaning lady's extreme aversion to live crickets, which tarantulas eat (and big spiders) it's probably not a good idea.....

I will start to pay closer attention to my grapes.
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I spent a lot of the day cleaning out closets. I have 3 huge trash bags full of clothes for Goodwill thus far. Am not looking forward to tackling the basement and garage.

And I do not like typing on this tiny phone, Verizon informed me I was out of wifi GB so iPad is off limits for a couple days. Grrrrr.
Watching the Finals of The Voice...tomorrow night is going to be heartbreaking. All three have careers no matter what happens tomorrow. They are all stars!
I spent a lot of the day cleaning out closets. I have 3 huge trash bags full of clothes for Goodwill thus far. Am not looking forward to tackling the basement and garage.

And I do not like typing on this tiny phone, Verizon informed me I was out of wifi GB so iPad is off limits for a couple days. Grrrrr.

What a simple life I lead. No tiny phone, no iPad, Kindle, etc. Just a simple phone that makes and receives calls, and a desk computer with a large flat screen. I have never owned a laptop and have no desire to. I read a book the old fashion way. I have to turn the paper pages. I do read the news on the computer though. I got tired of trying to recycle the newspapers. Had to take them down to the first floor trash room. Pain in the backside. :angel:
What a simple life I lead. No tiny phone, no iPad, Kindle, etc. Just a simple phone that makes and receives calls, and a desk computer with a large flat screen. I have never owned a laptop and have no desire to. I read a book the old fashion way. I have to turn the paper pages. I do read the news on the computer though. I got tired of trying to recycle the newspapers. Had to take them down to the first floor trash room. Pain in the backside. :angel:

:LOL: I can't use my desktop either, otherwise I'll get charged outrageous overage charges by Verizon. So now I'm stuck with iPhone, for 2 days, which has unlimited 3G. Everything else is wifi, and subject to overage charges. It will reset in 2 days, and I'll be able to use iPad again.

So for now, iPhone is the only computer I've got. At least you have your desktop, Addie!
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Doing a favor for a friend, I ended up owning a piece of abandoned property that I had no interest in. According to the business next door, I was being sued because some kids had broken in and were throwing things from the building onto their roof and damaging it. During the discovery, I was questioned by their attorney.

At the same time I had just received full custody of my granddaughter. I got a call from the court asking me if I could take her right away and could I come to the court to pick her up. I was living with my daughter at the time. Didn't have a stick of furniture or anything else. I didn't let the court know this. So in one day I found an apartment, got her bed from her mothers house, hit a couple of yard sales and purchased two bowls, plates, forks, knives, one small sauce pan and one frying pan. My daughter had a mattress for me and a couple of blankets and sheets. I set up housekeeping.

I told the lawyer that they could sue me all they wanted. I then rattled off what I owned. I even suggested that if they were interested they could go to my apartment and rob me. The door was unlocked. If the people who were suing me insisted, then they could have what I owned. Their lawyer looked at me and said, "I wish I could lead a life of such simplicity. I am so sick of mowing the lawn, taking the kids here and there. And so many other things. Case closed"

I have never been one to want all the gadgets. Only if it had to do with the kitchen. Or if it made my job of running a home and raising my kids a lot easier. Now that I am in my last days, I want even less than I had that day I talked to the lawyer. I don't want my last days on earth to be spent cleaning, dusting, etc. When they painted my apartment recently, I had to take everything off the walls. I have not rehung any of them. And all the knick knacks that have been given to me over the years have been packed away. I now live by the KISS method. And I love it. :angel:
Just came in from the morning watering of the outside plants and am still enjoying the great results I see using the homemade "Roundup." In the attached picture, you can see where I've sprayed the stuff along the edge of our long front porch. The porch is about 60 feet long and it's a challenge for Glenn to get the tractor mower up against the space to trim well. So...I decided to see how the homemade weed killer would work.

I sprayed the space about a month ago and then gave it a bit of a "booster" two days later. No sign of any new growth and the old vegetation has given up completely. The best thing is that rain has no effect on it at all. We've had nothing short of flood-like rains here for weeks. There's a solid 8-inch wide area the length of the porch that is dead, dead, deadski. Yeah!!!!!!


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The new range is here!!!! :mrgreen:

Good thing I paid for it already before the well started having problems. :eek:The well guys are here now pulling the pump (it is more than 800 feet deep). Sounds like we will be paying for a new pump. :mad: we have gotten 17 years out of it, and they usually last 10 to 12 years, so I guess we are lucky.
Wow, that's a deep well. Mine is about 8 ft deep, lol.
And my pumps are inside.

The actual well is 920 feet. Te pump sits slightly above that i think. or i should say- it did! We had to go to the third aqua fir down when the well was dug. Water rights are crazy where there is little water. It took them a long time to pull the pump up. Now they had to go get more pipe, because after 17 years, there is some damage to the pipes. This isn't going to be cheap. :mellow:
The new range is here!!!! :mrgreen:

Good thing I paid for it already before the well started having problems. :eek:The well guys are here now pulling the pump (it is more than 800 feet deep). Sounds like we will be paying for a new pump. :mad: we have gotten 17 years out of it, and they usually last 10 to 12 years, so I guess we are lucky.

YAY, a new kitchen toy! Have fun as a "Master Chef" again. ;)

And lucky with 17 years of pump life. Not so lucky now though. :( Sorry...
Just got back from a nice lunch with grandson. We packed some cheese sandwiches (one with butter and one without) :), and some chips. Then we drove out to the Dairy Queen and got two Cherry Arctic Rush and drove over went by the river and enjoyed our day together. Poor guy, he is just getting over a very bad sunburn, his mom forgot to put sunscreen on him last Thursday when he went swimming. He could finally lay on his back last night and the blisters are looking better. What did we do in the "old" days before sunscreen?
Just got back from the dentist. He drained the abscess and pulled the tooth. He also changed my antibiotic to something more suitable to the type of infection.

I am still feeling sick all over, and very tired, but relieved that it is gone. Two abscesses, one third of the tooth chipping off and a root canal over a year is enough hassle for one tooth.

I am going to make TB's sandwiches and then take a long nap.
Hope that takes care of the problem LP. You've put up with that long enough.

I'm shutting down the computer and grabbing the kitty. Time to flop on the sunroom futon and watch the rain pour down on my head - and still stay dry!

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