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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks for this post but I don't think this is what is happening with her. She is not deliberately being prevented from eating but rather we have been alerted to the danger of coaxing her to eat (i.e. when she doesn't want to) with the food going down the wrong path (to her lungs) because she was not sufficiently alert - so it is a physical concern.

She became more alert later today which has aided her ability to swallow - some water at least (rather than have it trickle down her throat).

Nevertheless I will bear in mind what you point out here. Thanks
Glad to hear that there has been an improvement. Thoughts and prayers continuing.
Thanks for all the kind posts. I posted here just to say what was going on with me (topic of this thread), i.e. not my intention to evoke sympathy.

My mother and myself are both made of strong stuff - both of us are fighters/survivors. I have a positive mindset so it is perhaps easier for me, than most, not to wallow on the negatives....although the inevitable reality looms.

Today was one of her better days. :)
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Off to bed at 10.30pm as the clocks go forward an hour for British Summer Time at midnight and I want to make up for the hour I'm going to lose in the morning.

Brrrrr!!! I have 4 layers of sweaters and fleeces on and I'm STILL cold so I think it's going to be a double hot water bottle night tonight!

Have just embarked on a new Jacqueline Winspear as well so I'll take that to bed with me. And April's book group choice is Wilkie Collins "Woman in White" so that's going to be my next "Good Read".

Night-night. Sleep tight. Hope the bugs don't bite
Today has been a day of resting. Yesterday morning I had my coat on and was all ready to go out the door for my doctor's appointment. It was 9:00 a.m. It is time for my six month assessment. I had a very minor headache. So minor, that sometimes I didn't even notice it. I was sitting on my bed, stood up and a violent storm of the dry heaves hit me like a bolder. I even vomited a bit. I have never done that before.

The Pirate called Winthrop and notified them what happened and that I wouldn't be coming in. I laid down and the dry heaves stopped. I would sit up and they would start again. I finally gave in. Took off my coat and laid down. Fell asleep. Woke up today at 4 p.m. At least the dry heaves were gone. And so was the minor headache that wasn't so minor after all.

So today was a day of recovery and rest. I must have been sicker than I realized. When I woke up to day, I felt so spent. So now I am just doing nothing. I don't know what I had other than the headache, but it is gone now. :angel:
Addie, I'm glad to hear that whatever it was is gone. Hope you are feeling better. Could it have been a migraine? Migraine's aren't just horrendous headaches. Mine come with visual effects and a mild to regular headache. My sister's often come with projectile vomiting.
Addie, I'm glad to hear that whatever it was is gone. Hope you are feeling better. Could it have been a migraine? Migraine's aren't just horrendous headaches. Mine come with visual effects and a mild to regular headache. My sister's often come with projectile vomiting.

No, not a migraine. I noticed it about an hour earlier, and it went away. Or so I thought. Evidently not though. I really felt fine until that dag drive heaves hit me. Whenever any time I don't feel good, I get the drive heaves. I guess I really didn't feel good that time, because the heaves were really hard. And I can stop them in a matter of one or two heaves. Not this time.

I am feeling much better. Thank you for the good thoughts. :angel:
I am watching 60 Minutes. They are doing a report on attacking brain cancer. There is hope for my daughter. At the present time, there is no cancer in her tumor. But there is still a small piece of the tumor that they can not remove and have given her all the chemo that her body can tolerate. So in a sense, she is in remission. But that small piece can wake up at any time and start producing cancer cells again.

Duke University has been doing research with dead polio virus vaccine. By injecting it directly into the tumor, it will wake up her immune system to attack that small piece of tumor and kill it permanently. The tumors just melt away. And it has been found to work on other cancers as well.

I hope my daughter talks to her doctors about this. Living with this small piece of tumor on her brain, takes a toll on all of us. There is hope for my daughter. That is the second good news I have received in the past three years. :angel:
I just placed an order for a t-shirt, the one on the right:


I ordered it through a friends blog: Two Cookie Monster Tees $11 Today Only At TeeFury! "Be One With Cookie" and Cthulu Mashup "Cthookie Monster"!!! - Freebies For A Cause
That's interesting and encouraging, Addie. I wonder how long until they can start using it on patients.

The don't even have 50 test patients yet. But the results look good so far. They have had more successes than failures. It really looks promising. :angel:
Canadian TV vs. American

I get a lot of programs that are produced in Canada. They are so much professional than American TV. I am so sick of reality shows. Just a cheap way not to hire a complete crew to write and produce a pleasurable TV show.

Commercials are even more enjoyably spaced. There are half as many as on American TV. If the show has a story to tell, whether it is reality like Highway Through Hell, or a fictional story like a mystery show placed in the late 190's, there are fewer commercials and are spaced so that you get to see the an important part. They don't break for a commercial. And there are fewer commercials during that break. American TV has commercial breaks that last for as long as five minutes. Yes I have timed them.

It used to be that the networks were getting bad. So you watched cable. The shows were better, had better writing and you could sit back and watch a good show. Not anymore. It is all reality trash. Does anyone really care if the Kadashian girls have more babies, get married or anything else. And what do they do? Not one of them have an honest real job. And the real housewives!! What a joke all of them are. Are they kidding? Do any of them do housework? Do they hold down a job outside the home for eight hours a day?

Keep the Canadian shows coming. With all the snow we have had in Boston, I am a prisoner in my home. I get around outside with a scooter. Can't take it outside in the snow. So here I am ever so grateful to Canada for entertaining me with intelligent shows. Thank you Canada. :angel:
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Driving this 1200 miles with 4 kitties

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Driving this 1200 miles with 4 kitties

Sent from my XT1080 using Discuss Cooking mobile app

Why am I laughing so hard? Because my cat decided to have six kittens right in the middle of moving. I put her and her kittens in the box, in the front seat of the moving van with the movers. She gave birth to the last three while the truck was moving to the new location. I paid the movers extra for their scratches and the care they gave Moonlight. Who is going to give you the extra tip? She kept trying to get out of the box with one of her kittens in her mouth to a hidden location, wherever that might be. :angel:
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