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"What we have here is a failure to communicate." Clearly you didn't tell him you were going outdoors to sit for a while. :ohmy:

If you did, and he still locked you out...


He just came home from tennising...
I went outside and sat on the front step, listening to the cicadas, and watching the fireflies and looking at the stars.

Then I heard "clunk clunk". DH locked me out of the house! He CLAIMS he didn't know I was out there. After I bashed on the door, he got a small piece of my mind!

Dawg gone it!

What is our husbands problems locking us out? :LOL:
Must be something in the water.
Dawg gone it!

What is our husbands problems locking us out? :LOL:
Must be something in the water.

LOL! DH didn't even notice that I wasn't in the house when he got home from tennis!

Yeah, must be something in the water, Munky!
Once again, "Failure to Communicate." I had an appointment for my carotid test. A very important test. It is to check the blockage in my neck. Winthrop had it on their schedule, but forgot to notify transportation, once again. Ever since they brought on the new office help that is responsible for this, they have been having too many missed appointments and failure of transportation pickup calls. I am really trying to hold onto my patience while the new help learns her job, but it is becoming a losing battle.

Well, I am now home and all set for a well deserved nap. But first I have to go check the mail. :angel:
Once again, "Failure to Communicate." I had an appointment for my carotid test. A very important test. It is to check the blockage in my neck. Winthrop had it on their schedule, but forgot to notify transportation, once again. Ever since they brought on the new office help that is responsible for this, they have been having too many missed appointments and failure of transportation pickup calls. I am really trying to hold onto my patience while the new help learns her job, but it is becoming a losing battle.

Well, I am now home and all set for a well deserved nap. But first I have to go check the mail. :angel:

Addie, this seems to happen to you A LOT. I think I'd be giving Winthrop a call the day before scheduled appointments, just to make sure everyone is on the same page. Sure seems like it would avoid a lot of frustration.
Addie, this seems to happen to you A LOT. I think I'd be giving Winthrop a call the day before scheduled appointments, just to make sure everyone is on the same page. Sure seems like it would avoid a lot of frustration.

Cheryl I started to do that about two months ago. I phone in the appointment rather than leave it to the hospital to do it. And I make Winthrop read it back to me when I am done. I then remind them to notify transportation so they can put it on their calendar. I would even go that far but the patient is not allowed. The order for transportation has to come from ESP office only.

When Judy and Caroline were at the front desk full time, I never once had this problem. But the both of them have semi retired. One works in the morning with the new girl and then the other comes in for the afternoon and works with her. But unless she is tied up with a phone call, Judy and Caroline let her handle all the phone calls and they do the work entering info into the computers on patients. They try to not interfere with her ability (or lack of) to handle the phones.

So now everything I have tried with patience is going to change. I will call and ask to speak with Caroline or Judy the day before and ask them to make sure ESP has been notified for transportation for local appointments the day before and I will do the same with Cataldo Ambulance for transportation to appointments in town at the hospital.

The new woman has been there now for more than two months. She should know the routine by now. I shouldn't have to do her work. But to save the frustration, it looks like I will have to. GRRRR! :angel:
Choo Choo

I will be riding in the caboose with a few people who want the experience. The neat part is climbing up to the cupola to look out forward.
I will be there to ensure there safety as a conductor


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I recently saw a special on TV featuring the F&W Railway Co. and thought of you, Souschef! :) It was within the past 6 months or so. Might have been on the food channel, or maybe it was travel....

Looks like fun, that sure is beautiful country!
Aren't you a dashing fellow, Souschef!

I am enjoying the bliss that comes from having the house all to yourself. Himself is out playing Astronomer Guy at nearby corn maze (called "maize maze" by our smart-butt son :LOL:) with his telescope and his knowledge. A few months ago we went to a dairy farm a friend recommended for their delicious ice cream. She was right. :yum: Anyway, it was a slow day and the owner/proprietress was telling us about her theme for the maze this year - the constellations. I *ahem* volunteered Himself to go down there with his telescope (it has a 10" lens and the tripod legs are nearly as big as mine) and share his knowledge. This is his second time there, but I think he'll be a whole lot busier than the last time when the corn maze wasn't open yet. I'm having fun knowing he's enjoying something other than TV.
Princess, how has Shrek been taking all this upheaval in your lives? Imagine what it is going to be like when it all quiets down. :angel:

He's doing fine. Enjoying rural life.

I went outside and sat on the front step, listening to the cicadas, and watching the fireflies and looking at the stars.

Then I heard "clunk clunk". DH locked me out of the house! He CLAIMS he didn't know I was out there. After I bashed on the door, he got a small piece of my mind!

At least you didn't lock YOURSELF out...I locked myself in the garage the other day and had to creep up under the bedroom window and wake Shrek up to let me in.:huh:

Indeed! I am not happy!

I'm thinking I'm in the mood for a new husband.

All the training, I'm too lazy to train a new one.

I will be riding in the caboose with a few people who want the experience. The neat part is climbing up to the cupola to look out forward.
I will be there to ensure there safety as a conductor

That looks like great fun!

Aren't you a dashing fellow, Souschef!

I am enjoying the bliss that comes from having the house all to yourself. Himself is out playing Astronomer Guy at nearby corn maze (called "maize maze" by our smart-butt son :LOL:) with his telescope and his knowledge. A few months ago we went to a dairy farm a friend recommended for their delicious ice cream. She was right. :yum: Anyway, it was a slow day and the owner/proprietress was telling us about her theme for the maze this year - the constellations. I *ahem* volunteered Himself to go down there with his telescope (it has a 10" lens and the tripod legs are nearly as big as mine) and share his knowledge. This is his second time there, but I think he'll be a whole lot busier than the last time when the corn maze wasn't open yet. I'm having fun knowing he's enjoying something other than TV.

Our entire county is a corn maze, there is so much corn growing, completely amaizing to see all the fields.

Ditch corn = corn growing outside the planted rows...to be swiped at your own risk

The house across the alley has pumpkins growing outside their fence, the vines have taken it to the streets and there must be 6 pumpkins coming along...I hope the trash guys don't run over them!
Wondering where the Ice Cream man is?
It's been a while since we've seen or heard his truck.

All of us are suspecting the police ran him out of town.The tune he played probably freaked out a lot of parents.I wouldn't have let my kids 10 ft near it.

It went exactly like this really loud. "BOING! like a spring,then a females voice would say "Hello?"

Listen to that all day."Boing!...Hello!"

Yep ran out of town.:ohmy::LOL::ROFLMAO:
Munky, I'd want to run that outta town, too! :ermm: :ohmy: :LOL:

We used to have an ice cream truck, but haven't seen him in a few years. He must have gotten the boot too, or went broke, and that's fine by me and everyone else around here. :LOL:

I had a hair appointment this morning and then had a little shopping to do. Came home and have been pretty much kicking back the rest of the day. :)
Our ice cream truck has a young girl. It plays a song and says "Hello!" right in the middle of the song. She only makes one pass each day in these parts.

When my kids were small, the ice cream truck was called Frosty. It even had a special song it played called "Here Comes Frosty!" My kids still can sing the words of that stupid song. And it also cost me a pretty penny. Or should I say dollars!

There were 15 kids in my building alone. Then just about every building had kids in it. I remember we mother sat down and took count of the kids on our block alone. Over 100. Frosty made some serious money from our block alone.

I later learned that one man owned all the ice cream trucks. There were seven trucks running all day throughout Eastie. They stopped at nine at night.
Munky, it's good thing you don't have to listen to "boing - hello?" in that 101 temperatures. Surely you would run to the truck and drag him from his seat.

Our first home was in a neighborhood littered with "ice cream truck age" kids. Being a cheapskate frugal from way back, I did a little demonstration with my kids. I had already stocked the freezer with a box of each of their favorites, then waited for the music to play. When the truck was at the other end of our block the "please, Mommy" started. I took the required money from my wallet, then pulled the two boxes of treats from the freezer. I pulled out as many individual treats from each box as the money in their grubby little hands was holding would buy. Then I told them they could either have one treat from the ice cream truck, or a whole lot of days of treats from the freezer if I bought them. Since I would cave in to "ice cream truck" only once a week or so, it was No contest! However, just like Pavlov's dog, every time the ice cream truck came around they would head to the freezer.

They did, however, get occasional treats from the ice cream man. They hit up Grandma and Grandpa when they would visit each week. :LOL:
I went outside and sat on the front step, listening to the cicadas, and watching the fireflies and looking at the stars.

Then I heard "clunk clunk". DH locked me out of the house! He CLAIMS he didn't know I was out there. After I bashed on the door, he got a small piece of my mind!

My neighbor came to feed our kitty when we were on vacation. Our townhome is built on the side of a hill, our front door is level with the ground, but our back deck is probably 10-12 feet off the ground with no stairs. He goes out on the back deck and "unlocks" the back door, which he actually ended up locking since we don't usually lock that door. He ended up having to scale down the deck. He's 70, but a very fit 70 :)
My neighbor came to feed our kitty when we were on vacation. Our townhome is built on the side of a hill, our front door is level with the ground, but our back deck is probably 10-12 feet off the ground with no stairs. He goes out on the back deck and "unlocks" the back door, which he actually ended up locking since we don't usually lock that door. He ended up having to scale down the deck. He's 70, but a very fit 70 :)

O mi gosh!!

We just got back from a Mercy Run to Costco in Colorado! I was less than a week away from running out of some of my supplements...besides, I was having severe withdrawal from Rotisserie Chicken. That sure was good!

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