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Crazy there were 10 clocks to turn back here, 4 of them just in the kitchen!
We have 4 in the kitchen as well - microwave, stove, clock radio (so I can listen to music while cooking) and Keurig.

Funny fact - we have another 3 clock radios in the bedroom (and a wall clock) strategically placed so we can see the time from any angle!

I am trying to find the energy to get up and get ready for bed. I had to wait for my grocery delivery (cheaper between 8 and 10 pm) only to find out that 3 key items were missing and so I will have to get up early to go grab them from the store. We took my van off the road as of today so I have to do my shopping on weekends or before TB leaves for work at 2 pm.
Just got home from a 5 day concert cruise featuring Melissa Etheridge and Joan Jett, along with a bunch of other great bands. OMG, what a blast! It was DH's first cruise, and needless to say, he was in the minority. We only got to spend one day on our beloved island of Cozumel, but we keep rehashing all the funny things that happened on the ship. We've got to start writing this stuff down!

Now I too have to reset all my clocks. My wristwatch is the most complicated, I'll have to dig out the manual.

That sounds sooooooooo fun Dawg!! Did you go with friends, or make new ones? You really should write a little story about the trip.....years from now you won't be sorry and we'd love to read it!;)
That sounds sooooooooo fun Dawg!! Did you go with friends, or make new ones? You really should write a little story about the trip.....years from now you won't be sorry and we'd love to read it!;)

Dang, Kay, it was unbelievable! My first and previously only cruise was about 25 years ago, and this one was head and shoulders above that one. Just DH and me, and DH was one of the few men onboard.

A month or so ago, Melissa and Pat Benatar were supposed to play at the Illinois State Fair, which is a couple hours' drive from here, but they cancelled due to rain. I wanted to see Melissa, so I asked my friend the Google, and it pulled up the cruise. I figured, why not? And yes, we made many new friends!
Just got home from a 5 day concert cruise featuring Melissa Etheridge and Joan Jett, along with a bunch of other great bands. OMG, what a blast! It was DH's first cruise...
...DH was one of the few men onboard... And yes, we made many new friends!

It sounds like a really fun time, Dawg! We've never done a cruise. Probably won't, either, as long as Himself would be involved.* His reaction to me telling him about your cruise went like this:

To it being your DH's first - "If he's lucky, it could be his last"

To your comment about making new friends: "Well, at least SHE did"


I swear my dear guy could win the Curmudgeon of the Year Award! :LOL: Saw a license plate from VT that had the word "Curmdgen" on it. Need to consider a MA one like that for Himself...

*Then again, he did have positive comments about an Alaskan cruise our neighbors took. He actually seemed open to taking one at that time. Hmmm.
CG, I have to tell you my BIL never wanted to take a cruise. She finally convinced him to take one. Well, he went nuts! Thought all that food prepared every meal, every day was to die for! He was practically in the kitchens helping them - all the waiters knew him and had no problem taking special orders from him LOL - he practically had them cooking to order!
At home a meal at his table (sometimes even on weekdays) consists of fish, chicken, beef or pork and god knows how many vegies. Everything is fresh (as his company delivers produce from Ottawa to Quebec City - he has access to fantastic stuff) and cooked from scratch.

He is the cook in the family - my SIL can't even cook hot dogs. She has always claimed she married him because he can cook and she can't.

Although she does a fantastic English trifle and a terrific rum punch (even thou she's not a "drinker"). Mind you, I guess I stand corrected. Over the years I have seen her produce a pretty darn good chilli and spaghetti sauce (perhaps with the aid of a few "packages" - but who cares - still delish!) LOL.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is get him on that Alaskan Cruise and maybe he'll have a complete turn-about!
It sounds like a really fun time, Dawg! We've never done a cruise. Probably won't, either, as long as Himself would be involved.* His reaction to me telling him about your cruise went like this:

To it being your DH's first - "If he's lucky, it could be his last"

To your comment about making new friends: "Well, at least SHE did"


I swear my dear guy could win the Curmudgeon of the Year Award! :LOL: Saw a license plate from VT that had the word "Curmdgen" on it. Need to consider a MA one like that for Himself...

*Then again, he did have positive comments about an Alaskan cruise our neighbors took. He actually seemed open to taking one at that time. Hmmm.

:LOL: Being a music cruise, DH ran into a couple of the boys in one of the bands up on the heliport for a smoke a cappela singing "tell me something good", and then DH chimed in, "tell me that you like it". If I'd been there, I'd be singing along too.

DH wants to do an Alaska cruise as well.

We actually got the laundry done today. Usually it takes me a couple days after a trip.
DL, you should start a blog about your adventures! This trip sounds exactly like something I would like!

Dang, Kay, it was unbelievable! My first and previously only cruise was about 25 years ago, and this one was head and shoulders above that one. Just DH and me, and DH was one of the few men onboard.

A month or so ago, Melissa and Pat Benatar were supposed to play at the Illinois State Fair, which is a couple hours' drive from here, but they cancelled due to rain. I wanted to see Melissa, so I asked my friend the Google, and it pulled up the cruise. I figured, why not? And yes, we made many new friends!
DL, you should start a blog about your adventures! This trip sounds exactly like something I would like!

Oh, LP, you would love it! And the icing on the cake was we got to watch the Cubs win, as they went into extra innings after Melissa's concert. We got to see them win, down by the pool, on an extra large screen. DH was in heaven, and the boys in one of the bands that we visited with were actually crying. Some were from Chicago.
Oh, LP, you would love it! And the icing on the cake was we got to watch the Cubs win, as they went into extra innings after Melissa's concert. We got to see them win, down by the pool, on an extra large screen. DH was in heaven, and the boys in one of the bands that we visited with were actually crying. Some were from Chicago.

I love that you used a cake metaphor for me! :LOL:
Just barely 8PM here and it's been dark for a couple of hours now....dang, it always takes a few days to get used to the time change. Grrrr....:LOL:


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:wacko: Sitting here cursing myself. I can't believe I have another chest cold again this year. It is so unlike me. Usually it is three or more years between colds. I have to go downstairs to the community room at 7 a.m. to vote. I am going to wear a mask. I don't want to pass this on to anyone else. I had an appointment with my eye doctor for tomorrow, but cancelled it for the same reason. Rescheduled it for February. I am just grateful that I won't have to go outside to vote.
Good for you to wear a mask, Addie! Rock on! Hope you feel better soon.
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:LOL: Being a music cruise, DH ran into a couple of the boys in one of the bands up on the heliport for a smoke a cappela singing "tell me something good", and then DH chimed in, "tell me that you like it". If I'd been there, I'd be singing along too...
How cool, Dawg! Years ago, a foursome of us women went out to a Tempations concert in a small venue/dinner club. My neighbor-friend's hubby was a booking agent and had brought them in to Akron. I was DD since I was on meds for a serious case of strep throat, so I was sucking down free cokes and ice tea. Had to step away to the Little Girls room. Unbeknownst to me, during the concert they would invite three audience members up to sing along. My friend knew this, but did she tell me to go potty only when they started a song? Oh, noooooo. Guess what happened when I was in the john? Yup, lost my chance at fame. Coulda sung "My Girl" right along with them.

Later, she told me about them looking for volunteers. That people were reluctant to put their hands up, but she would have grabbed mine and raised it up. :huh: I told her she wouldn't do that...because I would have shot my own hand straight up into the air! After all, I've done theatre. :mrgreen:
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