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DH just installed a new ceiling fan in the living room a few weeks ago. It took a while and some swearing [emoji38] but he got it done. It took over a year to find one I wanted, but I love it. 0623181629a.jpg
Getting frustrated.

Thanks to the input here regarding my wanting new ceiling fans we narrowed it down to what we wanted. Here they are.


I've been trying over a week to get someone out here to install them. With no luck. A courteous call back would have been appreciated.

They say it's easy to do.Maybe a Munky could do it.:ohmy::ROFLMAO:
Soo tempted.

Hi, Munky. That's a nice looking ceiling fan! Home Depot has installers, are they the ones that are dragging their feet?? If you bought it from Home Depot, I would be doing some complaining. :glare: Hoping it all gets settled soon.
DH just installed a new ceiling fan in the living room a few weeks ago. It took a while and some swearing [emoji38] but he got it done. It took over a year to find one I wanted, but I love it. View attachment 30429

Wow, GG...I've never seen a Tiffany inspired ceiling fan before - that is stunning!! From the pics I remember of your home, I can imagine that it fits in just beautifully. :wub:
Gthat pic is like the one in my lounge upstairs. I also have a smaller one in the bedroom because it gets warm upstairs. Today I'm prepping for my daughter, she's a good cook as well. She's spent time in Japan and loves their culture. She's making okinomaki and fried chicken Japanese style. The vegetable pancakes are amazing.

Wow, GG...I've never seen a Tiffany inspired ceiling fan before - that is stunning!! From the pics I remember of your home, I can imagine that it fits in just beautifully. :wub:
Thank you, Cheryl! Yes, it goes beautifully with the three other Tiffany-inspired lamps in the living room. Some houses in the neighborhood have stained glass windows in the transoms over the front doors, or in special oval or rounded rectangular porch windows.
Gthat pic is like the one in my lounge upstairs. I also have a smaller one in the bedroom because it gets warm upstairs. Today I'm prepping for my daughter, she's a good cook as well. She's spent time in Japan and loves their culture. She's making okinomaki and fried chicken Japanese style. The vegetable pancakes are amazing.


It gets quite warm here, too. We have ceiling fans in every bedroom and every room downstairs except the foyer and the bathroom [emoji38]
To relax after a long busy week, I like to demolish and build decks on the back of my house..just came in from moving this out to the curb where I think I have somebody coming to get it..Free Deck..some assembly required..free clothesline pole included


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Hi, Munky. That's a nice looking ceiling fan! Home Depot has installers, are they the ones that are dragging their feet?? If you bought it from Home Depot, I would be doing some complaining. :glare: Hoping it all gets settled soon.

Hiya Cheryl, :)
Thank you.

Home Depot didn't have a lot of options available on the size we needed so we went neutral.At least I can change the globes out to something more stylish.

They weren't installed yesterday but will be Monday.
I read the directions before I assembled it. Because 2 rooms have never had ceiling fans installed,I didn't trust the mounting bracket they provided.A retro brace was going to be needed.Better safe than sorry later.Ordered 2.
It was our local Electrician that didn't call back.
Fine already! I worked in the kitchen instead.Fixed a few drawers, then relined them with shelving paper. Looks good.

Oh and before I forget.Thinking of my to-do jobs already today.

Some know about Crazy Lady next door.
Hubby and I had our land line disconnected the other day.
Calling out to the next town is now long distance.Cell phones are cheaper.

She's going to have a melt down when she gets the recording "This # has been disconnected.Please hang up and try again."
Sweet justice.Especially sweet that she will then find out I've blocked them from my cell.

Happiness comes in strange ways.;)

DX passed along a shoebox full of slides I had taken back in the day and I spent some time trying to digitize them. No dice with my flatbed scanner. So I turned to the 'interweb' for solutions. Discovered renting/buying one is pretty expensive for my budget. I'll leave the shoebox to my daughters.
DX passed along a shoebox full of slides I had taken back in the day and I spent some time trying to digitize them. No dice with my flatbed scanner. So I turned to the 'interweb' for solutions. Discovered renting/buying one is pretty expensive for my budget. I'll leave the shoebox to my daughters.
How expensive would it be to have it done professionally? Staples will (or at least, used to) digitize photos, but I don't know if they do slides or negatives.
DX passed along a shoebox full of slides I had taken back in the day and I spent some time trying to digitize them. No dice with my flatbed scanner. So I turned to the 'interweb' for solutions. Discovered renting/buying one is pretty expensive for my budget. I'll leave the shoebox to my daughters.

....or go back to using one of these...:)


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I hear yuh Andy. A box of Super 8 film was dropped into my lap. My parents films of grandkids, trip to Africa, etc. Hate to lose them but too expensive to have them transfered to a disc.

Especially as I don't know which ones are worth keeping (as in family) and which are just some of their dog training sessions (which I don't want nor need!).
Price to buy one ranges from $70-$1200 and more. Renting one for three days is over $350.

Roadfix, I didn’t get custody of the projector and screen in the divorce.
Andy M, I bought a machine that does the conversion from slides/negatives to digital, it cost about $130. If you really want them converted PM me, you pay shipping and make a small contribution to the cost of the machine in relation to the number of slides you want converted, and I'll make it happen. Your choice.
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