What did you eat Friday 12/21/2018?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
We had Linguine with Broccoli Aglio e Olio (With Garlic and Olive Oil) topped with grated parm reg & pecorino romano cheeses again.

An egg salad sandwich. Pirate can cook his own food when and if he gets hungry. I took a thin slice of ham from the one my daughter bought for me. I heated it up quickly and added it to the egg salad. I tossed the bread out and just ate the egg salad. I am not a bread person.

But while I was waiting for that to happen, I got a brain storm. I had four packages of spinach in the fridge. Tomorrow I already know what I am going to be making. A layer of phyllo dough, a layer of spinach, a layer of finely diced cooked ham, a layer of Feta cheese. Repeat to top of pan. I wish I had thought of that earlier in the day and I would have made it. Now I have to wait.
Beef barley soup, the main reason for the little roast I cooked yesterday. And dang, it was good! I still have sliced roast beef for future too.
I’m making a huge pot of...something. It’s gonna have ham and bacon, celery, onions, carrots, garlic, collard greens, black eyed peas, cannelini beans, corn. I don’t know what it is. Oh, some bbq sauce along with other seasonings.

We’ll see what happens!
Went out Christmas shopping tonight. I scored a $350 Coach bag for $210 on a last minute sale!
On tje way home, I'm stopping at a local pizza joint for takeout.

They have a "meal deal" for $12 which includes: a small salad, 4 buffallo wings and dressing, garlic breadsticks and dipping sauce, a small chicken breast Florentine, and a small side of pasta.
Went out Christmas shopping tonight. I scored a $350 Coach bag for $210 on a last minute sale!...
If your DH like Coach purses, that's a nice gift. I bought three gently used ones on eBay years ago. They're nice, but I decided I'm more of a Stone Mountain kinda gal. Fully stocked, the SM one still weighs less than most empty Coaches. Still buttery soft leather, though. Maybe a Valentine's gift? Hmm? ;)

I made a pot of chicken stew for sometime this weekend, but I made pork tenderloins forIMG_20181221_202728902.jpg tonight. One with Herb de Provence seasoning, the other with Jamaican jerk spices. Sides were buttered noodles, roasted cauliflower, steamed broccoli, and asparagus. Not a fan of Loverly's green plates, but that's all she has.
Lovely looking and sounding dinners! I'm inspired by several of them. :yum:

I'm just now getting around to feeling better after a few days of my back being out of whack. No fun at all. :( I don't know what happened, but glad it's a little better and I was good enough to shop for the Christmas menu today.

Still wasn't much interested in cooking, so I ordered Chinese delivery. It was a little earlier than their delivery time frame, but they made an exception for me. :)
Lovely looking and sounding dinners! I'm inspired by several of them. :yum:

I'm just now getting around to feeling better after a few days of my back being out of whack. No fun at all. :( I don't know what happened, but glad it's a little better and I was good enough to shop for the Christmas menu today.

Still wasn't much interested in cooking, so I ordered Chinese delivery. It was a little earlier than their delivery time frame, but they made an exception for me. :)
Sorry to hear about your back Cheryl. Lower back? Chronic? I’ve had two surgeries, but before I had them, a very wise chiropractor introduced me to the McKenzie protocol, a series of very simple exercises designed to relieve lower back pain. They really helped me, still do. There’s a bunch of info on the web; here’s a link to my google search. Hope you get better soon!

Take out Chinese sounds sooo good right now! Haven’t had it in dog’s years!
Thank you Joel....no, not chronic. I think I just got a hitch in my gitalong, as my Grandma used to say. :LOL: Upper back and neck. Tyler and I had a picnic dinner on a blanket the other night, and I felt a twinge when I got up from the floor. :rolleyes: It's better now, but I'll check out the link you posted. :)
T bone steak with garlic sauce. Corn new potatoes from garden. Mixed vege done in microwave. Best meal I've had in a long time.

Here it is. I really don’t know what to call it! Mom would probably have called it “thoup” because it’s got more stuff in it than liquid. It’s very tasty, a bit sweet, with a tang from the bbq sauce, some cider vinegar, and some Worcestershire sauce. Even though it cooked a long time, the veggies didn’t get mushy, just soft, and oh my, the celery was so sweet and delish! Very filling, too. I made enough so we’ll be eating it all week!

Rainy day here, so comfort food is in order. Meatloaf, garlicky mashed red potatoes, nuked broc.

I wonder if there is a Guinness Book of World records category for nuked broc. I'm thinking you have nuked more broccoli than anyone on the planet. ;):LOL:

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